Dudley's Portfolio
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Company Name Industry dbsymbol US Symbol Port Symbol dbcdnsymbol dbwsymbol Date Close Volume Position Comments Insiders Chart Website logo_src chart_c chart_w key_management notes cusip terms expiry exercise
Freeman Gold Mining FMAN.V FMANF FMAN.V FMAN.V 2025-02-10 0.0850 361,900 BUY New position taken in mid Nov 2024 which came to my attention because of insider buying. Also some management link to Radio Fuels Energy. TSXV:FMAN
Fancamp Exploration Mining FNC.V FNCJF FNC.V FNC.V 2025-02-10 0.0800 64,500 BUY New position taken in mid Nov 2024. FNC has some insider buying but they have many investments and properties and is selling for substantially less than NAV. I have established a very nice position and this could easily be a 10 or 20 bagger in the future. Try and buy around .07. Visit their website and Corp Presentation and I believe you will get excited that we have the opportunity to buy the shares at these low prices. TSXV:FNC
Radio Fuels Energy - Warrants Mining CAKE.WT.NEO CAKE.WT.NEO CAKE.WT.NEO 2024-10-01 0.0100 125,000 HOLD/SELL New position as of Oct 2024 - news is still in progress as CAKE is buying the private gold properties from Nevada Gold which were spun out into a private corporate in Aug 2024. Now CAKE is buying those properties. Lots of managment overlap with Collin Kettell heading up the action. Shareholder vote on the merger is Dec 19, 2024, so this is not a done deal yet. CAKE currently has a large portfolio of mining companies valuad at approximately $25 million. I like the story and we will ride the coattails of Collin. The warrants have a exercise price of .50 and expire in Dec 2026. This is a total speculation that the shares will rise dramatically by Dec 2026. The safe bet is the common shares and now I own both the shares and the warrants. UNFORTUNATELY THIS WTS WILL BE WORTHLESS WITH THE UPCOMING MERGER WITH PALI. NEO:CAKE 750397 11 9
Radio Fuels Energy - Shares Mining CAKE.NEO CKEFF CAKE.NEO CAKE.NEO 2024-10-01 0.1200 757,202 HOLD Currently CAKE is subject to a merger with PALI, Palisade Goldcorp. I will probably hold for now, but, could change my mind at any moment. Seems the go-to company now would be TSXV:PALI who will be new parent holding company. Very interesting developing story led by Collin Kettell. Lots of managment overlap with Collin Kettell heading up the action. Shareholder vote on the merger is Dec 19, 2024, so this is not a done deal yet. CAKE currently has a large portfolio of mining companies valuad at approximately $25 million. I like the story and we will ride the coattails of Collin. NEO:CAKE AT OCT 12, 2024 SHARES OUTSTANDING 150M - MKT CAP 15.7M
Silver Mountain Resources - WT B Mining AGMR.WT.B.V AGMR.WT.B.V AGMR.V AGMR.WT.B.V 2025-02-07 0.0250 9,000 SOLD The warrants have a 4 yr life at issuance and expire in April 2028 with an exercise price of .135.. Do not chase the WT B higher. I have accumulated a big position in the Wt.B, but perhaps too big.. I am getting concerned about AGMR, so please be caution on this one. I may have been too optimistic as the company is going to need a substantial financing before going into production. Depending on market conditions, I may decide to lighten up on my position in the shares and/or warrants. TSXV:AGMR 828042 13 5
Aris Mining - common shares Mining ARMN ARMN ARMN ARIS.TO 2025-02-10 4.0500 326,597 BUY I like the prospects for the common shares of Aris Mining. My cost is 2.56. Great management team and a great long-term hold. TSX:ARIS AT AUG 15, 2024 - SHARES OUTSTANDING 169.5M - MKT CAP 995M
Silver Mountain Resources Mining AGMR.V AGMR.V AGMR.V 2025-02-10 0.0550 229,685 SOLD I have cooled on this story as the company needs cash to continue to put the property into production. New subscribers should avoid and current subscribers have a choice of holding or lighening up their positions. I have accumulated a nice position in the shares at an avg cost of .089. I am getting concerned about AGMR, so please be caution on this one. I may have been to optimistic as the company is going to need a substantial financing before going into production. Depending on market conditions, I decide to lighten up on my position in the shares and/or warrants. The company has a Prospect Offering on the table which could be trigger at any time with great dilution, please read the link following: https://www.stockwatch.com/News/Sedardoc/5698772.pdf TSXV:AGMR Insiders Buying - On Nov 11, 2023, 4 insiders participated in the private placement. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 367.3M - MKT CAP 23.9M
Grizzly Discoveries Inc Mining GZD.V GZD.V GZD.V 2025-02-10 0.0200 63,500 BUY I previously overlooked added this small position in Grizzly. I initially bought 100,000 sh at .03 and sold half for .10. Seems to have some interesting properties, but my original interest was I had a friend, Ian Lambert that was a director of the company. Ian has since passed. I have added back some shares at .025 and we have some occassional insider buying. TSXV:GZD Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 2 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 158.8M - MKT CAP 3.9M
Dakota Gold Warrants Mining DC.WS DC DC.WS DC.WS 2025-02-10 1.1900 27,074 BUY This warrant trades on the NYSE and is an overlooked gold mining opportunity in South Dakota, with experienced management and a property with a long history. I only have a very small position in the warrnats which expire 2026-03-15 and exercise pr of 2.08. AT AUGUST 15,2024 - SH OUTSTANDING93.7M - MKT CAP 193.4. My cost is $1.20, even though it is traded on the NYSE, it is very thinly traded so use limit orders. DC DC.WS Great interview from Kitco with Robert Quartermain,CEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxcBzZflXmE 1 wt: 1 sh 2026-03-15 $2.08
Bear Creek Mining Corp Warrants Mining BCM.WT.V BCM.WT.V BCM.V BCM.WT.V 2025-02-10 0.1100 7,000 BUY Nov2023- this is a 5 year warrant, expiring in Oct 2028 and exercise price of .42. Big time potential, 10, 20, 30 times possible from below .10. I am in at .055. Due your own due diligence before buying. Looking for a major homerun with BCM.WT - my avg cost is .065 TSXV:BCM TSXV:BCM.WT Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 4 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OUTSTANDING 227.8M - MKT CAP 75.1M 0738ON187 1 wt: 1 sh 2028-10-05 C$0.42
Lion One Metals Warrants Mining LIO.WT.V LIO.WT.V LIO.V LIO.WT.V 2025-02-10 0.0300 1,000 HOLD You need to avoid this warrant as we are running out of time. TSXV:LIO TSXV:LIO.WT AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 262.0M - MKT CAP 83.9 536216153 1 Wt: 1 sh 2025-11-11 C$1.25
NewFound Gold Mining NFG.V NFGC NFG.V NFG.V 2025-02-10 2.5900 1,463,597 BUY Eric Sprott probably largest shareholder, steady news flow, big potential in a rising market. Acq small position in Sep 2023 at 4.16US TSXV:NFG As of Dec. 19 - Eric Sprott is a constant buyer of the shares and now has over 10M shares, obviously he reallly likes something here. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 198.5M - MKT CAP 751.1M
Nevada King Gold Mining NKG.V NKGFF NKG.V NKG.V 2025-02-10 0.3100 262,865 BUY Agressive player with Collin Kettell and team also mgt of NewFound Gold. In Aug 2023 acq small position at C$.43 TSXV:NKG AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 343.5M - MKT CAP 108.2M
First Majestic Silver Mining FR.TO AG FR.TO FR.TO 2024-05-24 9.8100 960,993 BUY I bought a small position in AG sometime back at around 4.50. No doubt in my mine that AG will be a big winner in the coming months/years. The recent news of their acq offer for Gatos Silver has brought the shares back down to a great entry price in my opinion. TSX:FR AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 301.6 - MKT CAP 1.675B
Riverside Resources Mining RRI.V RVSDF RRI.V RRI.V 2025-02-10 0.1400 142,500 BUY I acquired these shares in January at .105 USD. John-Mark Staude is the CEO and we have visited on numerous occasions. As of Feb2023, $8 cash and many JV - should be a great addition and winner for us in the future. As of Dec 15, 2024, no particular reason to buy - I will continue to hold for a much better market environment. TSXV:RRI Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 2 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 74.8M - MKT CAP 9.7M
Maple Gold Mines Mining MGM.V MGMLF MGM.V MGM.V 2025-02-10 0.0700 297,721 BUY I reacquired MGM shares on Dec 12, 2022 at C$0.17, they have a jv with Agnico-Eagle and insiders are aggressively buying. Topped off my position in late Dec 2023 at .07. Bought more shares in late Jan 2024 at .05 - 3 insiders are buying. I have increased my position several times from .06 to .07. My current cost basis is .068. Nov16,2024 comments: 3 insiders continue to buy. Agnico-Eagle owns approx. 20%. TSXV:MGM Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 3 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 376.2M - MKT CAP 30.1M
Equinox Gold Mining EQX.TO EQX EQX.TO EQX.TO 2025-02-10 9.7500 1,778,407 BUY EQX was acq on 09/08/22 at 3.29. It is a small holding for me at this time but it a great addition, in the mid 3's to one's portfolio. I believe this is a good core position as we should see substantially higher prices in the coming bull market. TSX:EQX AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 386.4 - MKT CAP 2.1B
Silver Spruce Resources Mining SSE.V SSEBF SSE.V SSE.V 2025-02-10 0.0050 372,314 BUY (under .03) SSE has a rollback coming soon but is an interesting speculation and as of March 2, 2022, we have 3 insiders buying in to open market at current prices of .035 to .04 Canadian. These 3 insiders already own 6 to 9 million shares. I like it. In 2011, the shares went to 3.00 in early 2000s, share price was over $20. I would be happy with a move back to $3 and now have a very nice position in these shares. My cost basis is .03. TSXV:SSE Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 1 insider buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 284.5M - MKT CAP 1.4M
Klondike Silver Mining KS.V KLSVF KS.V KS.V 2025-02-10 0.0150 24,594 BUY Klondike Silver is a long time player in B.C. - looking for a homerun. My cost is .067. TSXV:KS AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 268.9M - MKT CAP 5.4M
Denaurius Silver Warrants Mining DMET.WT.NEO DMET.WT.NEO DMET.NEO DMET.WT.NEO 2025-02-10 0.0050 0 HOLD 1 for 10 rollback effective on Nov. 21, 2022. Denaurius Silver with a focus on the Lomero Project in Spain and the Guia Antigua Project in Colombia. Gran Colombia Gold still owns 27% of these shares as of Dec 10, 2021. (a) the exercise price in respect of all outstanding warrants will increase from 80 cents to $8; and (b) every 10 warrants held by a holder will be exercisable to acquire one common share at an exercise price of $8.The warrants expire on 2026-03-07. NEO:DSLV NEO:DSLV.WT Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see the CEO with continual buys, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUGUST 15, 2024 - SH OS 73.6 - MKT CAP 36.8 248233207 10 Wts: 1 sh 2026-03-17 C$8.00
Orex Minerals Mining REX.V ORMNF REX.V REX.V 2025-02-07 0.1400 202 BUY Acq Dec 3, 2020 at .15. Long time on my list of interesting plays. Numerous exploration projects in Mexico. Top Shareholder is Eric Sprott. Unfortunately in late 2023, the company did a 1 for 10 reverse and I have lost some interest because of this. Current cost basis is .84. TSXV:REX AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 26.6M - MKT CAP 6.7M
Allegiant Gold Mining AUAU.V AUXXF AUAU.V AUAU.V 2025-02-10 0.1550 74,256 BUY I acquired these shares after seeing Frank Holmes' TOP TEN Junior Mining Companies in Nov 2020. Allegiant was on the list and the only company which had significant insider buying by 3 insiders. My cost basis is .20. Some of my position was bought above .30 and I have more recently bought shares at .12, bringing my average cost to .20. TSXV:AUAU Insiders Buying - as of Aug 15, 2024, we continue to 3 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. I increaased my position on Jan 31. At Aug 15, 2024 - SHARES OUTSTANDING 104.9 - MKT CAP 21M - Sept 2024 quote, Peter Gianulis, CEO of Allegiant Gold, stated, "Over the past few years, we've been quietly focused on expanding and deepening our understanding of the McIntosh and Castle Prospects at Eastside. During this time, we have nearly doubled the inferred resource at the site. With gold reaching new record highs and the junior mining market showing signs of stabilization, we believe now is the right moment to increase our visibility within the investment community. At our current valuation of US$10 per AU ounce, we are committed to growing our resources and demonstrating the vast potential at Eastside."
Sabre Gold Mines (formerly Golden Predator Mining) Mining SGLD.TO NTGSF SGLD.TO SGLD.TO 2025-02-07 0.2200 28,046 BUY This is a new position as of October 9, 2020 at .29. I have sold this before in previous cycles at 1.50 or so. I see great potential in this bull market. TSX:SGLD Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 2 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 79.6M - MKT CAP 8.4M
Nickel Creek Platinum Corp. Mining NCP.TO NCPCF NCP.TO NCP.TO 2024-12-20 0.5400 2,550 HOLD NCP has just announced a 1:100 reverse split eff Aug 19, 2024. This is a big game changer and reduces my enthusism for NCP. Might still work out but out great upside leverage is reduced. seems to be an excellent choice to participate in the basic materials necessary for the lithium ion batteries, cobalt, nickel and platinum. Dudley's est. cost C$.03 pre split, my adjusted cost basis is now 8.64. TSX:NCP Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 3 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 508.5M - MKT CAP 5.1M - A 1 FOR 100 REVERSE SPLIT IS EFFECTIVE ON AUG 19.
GoldMining, Inc Mining GOLD.TO GLDG GOLD.TO GOLD.TO 2025-02-10 1.2000 492,670 BUY Listing on the NYSE in Oct2020 as GLDG. As of May 17, 2018, this is a new addition to my portfolio and I see the possibility of this becoming a 10 bagger in the next 2 to 3 years.Dudley's cost, USD .86. This seems to be a greatly overlooked opportunity. Many properties and no debt. TSX:GOLD AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 188.7M - MKT CAP 151.7M
Mega Uranium Mining MGA.TO MGAFF MGA.TO MGA.TO 2025-02-10 0.3000 863,217 BUY MGA currently holds 19,375,000 shares of NexGen Energy, TSX:NXE selling at 9.00 plus with a significant uranium property. MGA hit 9.00 in 2007. I doubled my position on June 8, 2021 at .29 any my avg cost is C$0.29. As of Dec 15, 2024, no current insider activity - hold for now. TSX:MGA Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 4 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 369.4M - MKT CAP 99.7M
International Frontier Resources Oil & Gas IFR.V IFRTF IFR.V IFR.V 2025-02-10 0.0350 2,265 HOLD This is an old position with oil and gas leases in Mexico. I will hold, but find no reason for subscribers to be interested. TSXV:IFR AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 38.1M - MKT CAP 1.9M
First Mining Gold Mining FF.TO FFMGF FF.TO FF.TO 2025-02-10 0.1400 2,835,117 BUY Basically same management team of First Majestic and they are building an inventory of gold and silver properties. In May 2021, I increased my postion. Increased my position again in January 2024 with 5 insiders buying. My avg cost is .246 and my most recent trades were at .12. TSX:FF Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 5 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 963.4 - MKT CAP 127.6M
Kootenay Silver Mining KTN.V KOOYF KTN.V KTN.V 2025-02-10 1.0300 129,711 BUY Acq in connection with the buyout of Northair Silver by Kootenay Silver. Increased my position in the common shares in Feb 2018. Acq an additional 100,000 in Nov. 2022 at .09. They had a 1 for 10 reverse which has reduced my enthusism for the shares, but should still be a good performer in a roaring market. My adjusted cost basis is now .87 TSXV:KTN AT AUG 15, 2025 - SH OS 60.5 - MKT CAP 64.7M
Silver Bull Resources Mining SVB.TO SVBL SVB.TO SVB.TO 2025-02-10 0.1550 74,934 BUY Long time position, large undeveloped Silver and Zinc property in Mexico Dudley's est cost per sh - C$0.16. Access has been denied to property since Sep 2019 due to an illegal blockcade, the company is now pursuing damages under NAFTA of $172M.I have visited this property and it has great value and possibility of a large settlement seems plausible and I increased my position in Sep 2023 and bought more shares at C$0.10. There are only 38.5 million shares outstanding. If the settlement is for say 77M, that would be $2 a share????? Big speculation, big opportunity. https://silverbullresources.com/news/silver-bull-secures-us-9.5m-litigation-funding-to-pursue-damages-claim-against-the-mexican-government/ TSX:SVB Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 3 insiders buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 47.4M - MKT CAP 6.6M
Lion Copper & Gold (formerly Quaterra Resources) Mining LEO.NEO LCGMF LEO.NEO LEO.NEO 2024-10-01 0.0700 11,127 BUY See The Gold Report interview on Aug 20th, http://commonstockwarrants.com/?page_id=51831 Dudley's est cost per sh - C$0.05 - 'To the moon Alice'. Has a JV with Rio Tinto, subsidiary. NEO:LEO Insiders Buying - as of Dec 19, I see 1 insider buying, always click on the link at the top of this page for the latest insider activity. AT AUG 15, 2024 - SH OS 385.9M - MKT CAP 27.0M

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