Investors Who Are Liquidating To A Cash Position – What To Do Next?
Bank of America, Michael Hartnett, Chief Investment Strategist recently stated, “The bear-market rally for stocks has disappeared as investor concerns about inflation and interest rates linger.” “We’re in a technical recession but just don’t realize it.” We have quickly moved from seeing the dark clouds on the horizon to the start of entering the initial storm wall. The USD put in a major low on January 6th, 2021. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage
Stock Market Chaos & Big Moves Happening Just Around The Corner
Chris Vermeulen of The Technical Traders joins Elijah K Johnson from Liberty and Finance to talk about the chaos and big moves that may happen in the stock market. Looking at the daily charts of gold, silver, and miners, we can see they’ve had a recent rally and worked themselves higher and sideways “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your other subscriptions as
Crude Oil Price And Consumer Spending – How They Are Related
Crude Oil & Gasoline prices have been a hot topic for almost everyone recently. As inflation surges, consumers are feeling the increased pricing pressures from all sides right now. It is starting to reflect in the use of credit cards, discretionary spending habits, and summer holiday travel plans. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your other subscriptions as well as my”-Note
Trading The Calm Before The Storm – Consider Putting On A Long Strangle
There are times when markets consolidate and move sideways in a relatively narrow range. We often see low volatility, little trending, and “choppy” price action when the market is slow. Range-bound, consolidating markets eventually resolve in one direction or the other. Breaking out of a narrow range often takes a catalyst event like a highly anticipated economic report or – in the case of individual stocks – something like an earnings report or FDA approval. Quite often, it is the anticipation of the event itself that keeps price range-bound. Without knowledge of the event outcome, both bulls and bears are waiting
Tim ‘Cycles Man’ Wood Podcast – Cyclical Technical Analysis
Welcome to the Technical Traders podcast. The show that brings you technically proven strategies and trade ideas from experts around the world. We’re going to help you make more money with less risk so you can take your trading to the next level. My guest is Tim “Cycles Man” Wood, editor of Cycles News and Views on “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service
Where Is Gold Going From Here?
After briefly reaching highs above $2000, Gold has fallen to $1785 (-14%) following the deep selling in the US major indexes throughout most of April & May 2022. My team and I see the recent lows in Gold as similar to the April/May 2009 consolidation after the Global Financial Crisis. Also similar to the January 2013 consolidation before an extended -34% price decline took place – ending in December 2015. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services
Managing Emotions – How FOMO Affects Your Trading And Your Life
Managing emotions you say? Often we hear that we are supposed to trade without emotion as if we’re robots. That’s a big fat myth. We’re in a challenging market. Here are some thoughts on how to not just survive but thrive as we work through a significant peaking phase of the economic and market cycles. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your
Let Price Action Show You What To Do In An Approaching Bear Market
Traders have access to an overwhelming amount of market indicators. But does a trader really need any of these indicators to be successful at trading? At the end of the day, the price determines our loss or profit. Therefore, we should focus our research on price action rather than time lagging indicators or market fundamentals. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your
The Warrant Report – Trading Vs. Investing
By Dudley Pierce BakerFounder – EditorCommon Stock Warrants All markets continue to challenge investors and we are all feeling the pain, but, this too shall end and profitable trading days are in our future. Today, I want to share two different approaches to investing – trading versus investing. Each investor must decide which is best for them, financially and emotionally. TRADINGOn Friday, I established a trading position in CMRA, Comera Life Sciences, was previously a SPAC, OTRA, and OTRAW, OTR Acquisition Corp.The merger was approved by shareholders on May 10 and the shares and warrants started trading under the
Gold Stocks: Bull Candlesticks Call The Turn
Morris HubbarttMay 20, 2022 “We planned a big core position buy at $29….but today’s blast higher with good volumelikely means the bottom is in.” READ THIS ENTIRE ARTICLE ON 321GOLD.COM
US, Canadian companies set to soar on Russian uranium ban
Henry Lazenby | May 17, 2022 | Credit: Energy Fuels Inc. United States and Canadian-based uranium companies are set to soar on a coming Russian production ban in the Western world,’s senior precious metals analyst, Jeff Clark, told an industry audience at the VRIC conference in Vancouver on Tuesday. “Uranium is already in a bull market,” Clark said. “Yes, those prices have come down just like the others have, but for fundamental key reasons such as supply-demand … growing globally for uranium and nuclear power,” he said. He believes Russian uranium, which still accounts for about 50% of U.S. consumption,
Following Price One Page At A Time To Understand The Full Story
Following and trading on price can be compared to the reading of a good book. As we read each page, we acquire additional information that may give us a better understanding of the unfolding story. The same is true of the market, as each day is like the reading of another page. The pages of a book make up chapters. These chapters in trading represent bull markets, bear markets, distribution and accumulation, and time frames of high and low volatility. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is
Consumer Pressure – Is There An End In Sight?
The US stock market contracted sharply over the past 30+ days while traders attempted to identify the risks associated with the US Fed rate increase. Behind the scenes, consumer pressure is building due to higher costs on nearly everything. Gas, food, everyday items, credit card interest payments – almost everything costs more due to inflation and increasing fuel costs. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal
Investing Conservatively = Calm, Cool, Collected, Pays Big Dividends
Investing conservatively is how the aging investor population needs to approach the stock market. As it turns out, investing in dividends stocks carries much more risk than you may think. Dividend stocks (SPYF) fell 47% during covid, while growth stocks (SPYG) fell only 32%. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your other subscriptions as well as my”-Note from Dudley Stock Warrants
50+ Years Old Investors? This Investment/Retirement Tip For You – Video
In today’s trader tip video, Chris recaps the markets from a long-term investor standpoint and talks about investment and retirement tips for investors who are 50+ years old. This is a life-changing opportunity – make sure you don’t miss out. You don’t want to get caught on the wrong side of what the market is going to do. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service