
US, Canadian companies set to soar on Russian uranium ban

Henry Lazenby | May 17, 2022 | Credit: Energy Fuels Inc. United States and Canadian-based uranium companies are set to soar on a coming Russian production ban in the Western world, GoldSilver.com’s senior precious metals analyst, Jeff Clark, told an industry audience at the VRIC conference in Vancouver on Tuesday. “Uranium is already in a bull market,” Clark said. “Yes, those prices have come down just like the others have, but for fundamental key reasons such as supply-demand … growing globally for uranium and nuclear power,” he said. He believes Russian uranium, which still accounts for about 50% of U.S. consumption,

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Following Price One Page At A Time To Understand The Full Story

Following and trading on price can be compared to the reading of a good book. As we read each page, we acquire additional information that may give us a better understanding of the unfolding story. The same is true of the market, as each day is like the reading of another page. The pages of a book make up chapters. These chapters in trading represent bull markets, bear markets, distribution and accumulation, and time frames of high and low volatility. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is

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Consumer Pressure – Is There An End In Sight?

The US stock market contracted sharply over the past 30+ days while traders attempted to identify the risks associated with the US Fed rate increase. Behind the scenes, consumer pressure is building due to higher costs on nearly everything. Gas, food, everyday items, credit card interest payments – almost everything costs more due to inflation and increasing fuel costs. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal

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Investing Conservatively = Calm, Cool, Collected, Pays Big Dividends

Investing conservatively is how the aging investor population needs to approach the stock market. As it turns out, investing in dividends stocks carries much more risk than you may think. Dividend stocks (SPYF) fell 47% during covid, while growth stocks (SPYG) fell only 32%. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your other subscriptions as well as my CommonStockWarrants.com.”-Note from Dudley Stock Warrants

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50+ Years Old Investors? This Investment/Retirement Tip For You – Video

In today’s trader tip video, Chris recaps the markets from a long-term investor standpoint and talks about investment and retirement tips for investors who are 50+ years old. This is a life-changing opportunity – make sure you don’t miss out. You don’t want to get caught on the wrong side of what the market is going to do. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service

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The Warrant Report – What Is An Investor To Do?

These are truly challenging times for all investors. Every investment sector is being affected by the inflation story, the supply/demand issue for commodities, the war in Ukraine, and the list goes on. For those investors focusing on the precious metals sector, I believe that we will soon be rewarded for our long wait. Every week we continue to add new warrants trading on gold, silver, and other commodity companies giving interested investors a steady stream of new ideas and opportunities. SPAC Warrants are trading at levels never seen before and offer the potential for excellent returns in the coming months.

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Vale scores multi-year nickel supply deal with Tesla

Cecilia Jamasmie | May 6, 2022  Vale’s Voisey’s Bay nickel mine in Newfoundland. Image from Vale. Vale (NYSE: VALE), the world’s top nickel and iron ore producer, has inked a long-term deal with Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) that will see the Brazilian miner supplying the electric vehicles (EVs) icon with nickel mined in Canada. Confirming market rumors, the miner said the supply contract fit with its plans to deliver 30% to 40% of Class 1 nickel sales into the fast-growing EV industry. The Rio de Janeiro-based company, which did not provide details on financials or duration of the transaction, noted that its Canadian operations produce some

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Plunging metals prices expected to rebound in H2 – report

Henry Lazenby | May 6, 2022 Fitch expects relatively persistently high metals prices should help cushion the credit effects of cost inflation and generally lower production amongst senior miners. (Image courtesy of Consejo Minero.) Enduring covid-19-lockdowns in the world’s largest metal consumer, China, is negatively impacting demand from end-use industries and sentiment towards the complex, resulting in lower metals prices, a new report by Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research notes. Nevertheless, the market analyst maintains its 2022 metal price forecasts as prices remain above levels seen before the Russia-Ukraine conflict in general. It also expects Chinese demand to eventually pick up in

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The Harsh Realities of Caving Into Emotional Trading

Wow, what an emotional trading day and week thus far. What John said Wednesday in the member’s comments could not be more accurate for most people. “Only thing scarier than shark week is FED week! “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your other subscriptions as well as my CommonStockWarrants.com.”-Note from Dudley Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When? GET STARTED NOW At

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Mark Leibovit Podcast – Volume Analysis Specialist

My guest is Mark Leibovit, editor and publisher of the Leibovit VR Newsletters, also known as VRTrader.com. He’s speaking to us from Arizona. Welcome to the Technical Traders Podcast. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your other subscriptions as well as my CommonStockWarrants.com.”-Note from Dudley Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When? GET STARTED NOW At Common Stock Warrants our SPAC Warrant

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Is The US Dollar The Global Safe-Haven?

Global investors continue to pile into the US Dollar making it the primary safe-haven trade.  This may eventually trigger a broad and deep selloff in U.S. stocks. As the USD continues to strengthen, corporate profits for US multinationals will begin to disappear. “Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your other subscriptions as well as my CommonStockWarrants.com.”-Note from Dudley Stock Warrants – If

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Where Are Investors Putting Their Money – Now vs. Then?

PLEASE SHARE We encourage you to share this email with your investment friends – Currently, we are all about stock warrants, but soon, so much more…. Follow us on Twitter.com – @StockWarrants and @SPACWarrants Investors – don’t overlook the great opportunities available with stock warrants which will increase your potential gains and greatly decrease your investment cost by at least half. Our Gold and Lifetime subscribers have access to Dudley’s personal portfolio and weekly audio and insights on the next 10 baggers that he owns and suggests that you own ASAP. E.B. Tucker with Casey Research recently referred to Dudley

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Commodity & Resource Investors Prepare For An Incredible Ride

You should be fully invested now!! If you need assistance perhaps you would like to know what I am buying and which positions I currently own.Most of my positions are in the common shares of some great low-priced mining and exploration companies. If a company has a long-term warrant trading I will consider buying it, but it is really about the underlying company and its opportunity to perform. Join Me Now!! Dudley Pierce BakerFounder – Editorhttps://CommonStockWarrants.com Below are three great articles and opinions on the current market environment and its potential. Michael says we could see $7800 gold, this year.

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