
Setting Proper Expectations While Learning How To Trade/Invest For Growth Using ETFs

“Typically I will cover market movements from a high level perspective, going over the pops and drops, market sentiment, ETF trends, and market phases of the preceding week and then looking at where the markets may be headed next. I will often also include my thoughts on a frequently asked question – and the main topic of last week’s emails was why our CGS strategy is out of the market and protecting our capital at the moment.”Gold, Silver, Miners, Oil, Copper, S&P 500, VIX, and Bitcoin Trading (ETFs & Futures). My followers know that I have long recommended that investors

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Applying Trend Momentum And Panic Buying & Selling Indicators To The S&P 500 (SPY)

“Quite often, I get asked about two of the indicators I use in my pre-market report videos. One is proprietary, and one is not.”Gold, Silver, Miners, Oil, Copper, S&P 500, VIX, and Bitcoin Trading (ETFs & Futures). My followers know that I have long recommended that investors subscribe to multiple newsletters to give you a variety of investing ideas and approaches. Dudley Pierce Baker, https://CommonStockWarrants.com Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When? GET STARTED NOW APPLYING TREND MOMENTUM AND PANIC BUYING & SELLING INDICATORS TO THE S&P 500 (SPY) Daily Pre-Market Trade Signals. Trades Last 1-20 Days In Length For

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Best Bullish Setup for Gold, Silver and Miners EVER says Analyst Michael Oliver

“We are happy to share with our followers this interview with Michael Oliver, Momentum Structural Analysis, and Bill Powers of MiningStockEducation.com.Our views of gold, silver, and the miners closely align with the views of Michael Oliver. When (not if) the commodity sector and gold and silver begin to seriously rise, the mining shares, including those down and-out exploration companies will come alive as will the stock warrants trading on those shares. I believe this investment opportunity is now, right in our face, so get your portfolio adjusted to take advantage of this coming major move.“Dudley Pierce BakerFounder-Editorhttps://CommonStockWarrants.com

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Gold’s Momentum And Underperforming Gold Miners – Is A Breakout Rally Imminent?

Gold is trading near its highs, while gold miners are still down by around 30%. The mismatch in performance between gold and gold miners raises concerns and suggests caution, as it may indicate a temporary rise in gold prices. Gold miners may not catch up with gold prices until the stock market experiences a sustained rally. Gold, Silver, Miners, Oil, Copper, S&P 500, VIX, and Bitcoin Trading (ETFs & Futures). My followers know that I have long recommended that investors subscribe to multiple newsletters to give you a variety of investing ideas and approaches. Dudley Pierce Baker, https://CommonStockWarrants.com Stock Warrants –

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Thoughts On Gold Breaking $2000

“The potential for a new major breakout in gold’s price: Brian and I note that gold is trading around the $2000 mark and could either break out to new highs or experience a failed reversal. We also highlight gold’s resilience compared to other assets such as silver and gold miners, attributing this to its status as a global reserve currency….”Gold, Silver, Miners, Oil, Copper, S&P 500, VIX, and Bitcoin Trading (ETFs & Futures). My followers know that I have long recommended that investors subscribe to multiple newsletters to give you a variety of investing ideas and approaches. Dudley Pierce Baker,

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Only Active Traders Suffer From This Horrrible Pain & Costly Mistake

“Both the USA and European leaders continue to tell us the banks are strong, but after last week, can we really trust the leaders that support the financial system anymore? By that stretch, can we really even trust the financial system itself anymore, either? In my opinion, not entirely, that’s for sure.”Gold, Silver, Miners, Oil, Copper, S&P 500, VIX, and Bitcoin Trading (ETFs & Futures). My followers know that I have long recommended that investors subscribe to multiple newsletters to give you a variety of investing ideas and approaches. Dudley Pierce Baker, https://CommonStockWarrants.com Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When?

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The Gold And Oil Guy – Open ETF Trades

The link below will take readers to the Open ETF Trade in metals and miners, and bitcoin worked well this week so far….at The Gold And Oil Guy‘The past week has been pretty wild with the bank default and traders and investors flooding into alternate assets like gold, silver, miners, and bitcoin. And while the sidelines is a safe place to be for large amounts of retirement capital, for the time being, short-term traders are on fire!‘Actually, this is not a new service, but Chris Vermeulen is bringing back with more focus on his, The Gold and Oil Guy in addition to his

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ETF & Futures Momentum Trading Signals – New Service

Actually, this is not a new service, but Chris Vermeulen is bringing back with more focus on his, The Gold and Oil Guy in addition to his popular TheTechnicalTraders. Gold, Silver, Miners, Oil, Copper, S&P 500, VIX, and Bitcoin Trading (ETFs & Futures). My followers know that I have long recommended that investors subscribe to multiple newsletters to give you a variety of investing ideas and approaches. Dudley Pierce Baker, https://CommonStockWarrants.com Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When? GET STARTED NOW ETF & FUTURES MOMENTUM TRADING SIGNALSTRADE METALS, MINERS, CRUDE OIL & BITCOINPROFIT FROM S&P 500 & VOLATILITY INDEX Daily Pre-Market Trade Signals. Trades Last 1-20

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Bob Moriarty: We’re Going To Have More Change In The Next Six Months Than We’ve Had In The Last 50 years

Bob Moriarty was interviewed by Goldfinger on EnergyandGold.com Bob never holds back and I highly recommend this interview to our followers and readers. http://energyandgold.com/2023/03/16/bob-moriarty-were-going-to-have-more-change-in-the-next-six-months-than-weve-had-in-the-last-50-years/ Enjoy,Dudley Pierce Bakerhttps://CommonStockWarrants.com

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Investing In Mining Warrants

Investing in mining warrants can be an attractive opportunity for those looking to participate in the growth potential of the mining industry. Warrants are a type of financial instrument that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares of the underlying company at a predetermined price and time in the future. In this article, we will explore the benefits and risks of investing in mining warrants, as well as some strategies for maximizing returns while minimizing risks. Resource investors have waited a long time for the PM sector to raise its head again and now we

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Is The Stock Market Setting Up For A 2008 Style Crater?

Get ready for a stellar interview as Chris Vermeulen gets down to business with David Lin on his new channel, The David Lin Report! Which way is the market going to go? The technicals on the S&P500 show a weakening trend that, should it break through the channel support, could begin a serious leg to the downside. Having said that, the market is also testing the 200-day moving average, and if it finds support, could actually swing to the upside. Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When? GET STARTED NOW IS THE STOCK MARKET SETTING UP FOR A 2008 STYLE

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Bullish On Gold And Silver – It’s All About The Time Lines

Chris sits down with Dave Russell on GoldCore TV to discuss the long-term outlook for gold. Looking at the monthly long-term cycles chart, we can see that the last massive supercycle to the upside for commodities and precious metals began back in 2001. Fast forward to 2019, when it looks like a new supercycle may have begun. Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When? GET STARTED NOW BULLISH ON GOLD AND SILVER – IT’S ALL ABOUT THE TIME LINES Investors – don’t overlook the great opportunities available with stock warrants which will increase your potential gains and greatly decrease your

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Metals And Market Teetering On The Brink Of A Big Move

Chris sits down with Craig Hemke of Sprott Money to talk about how much longer the stage three complacency phase for stocks may last. The previous two stage four declines were in 2001 and 2008. Being that we have now gone 14 years since the last major correction, now may just be the time to shift focus from pulling in huge returns to protecting the capital we already have. Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When? GET STARTED NOW METALS AND MARKET TEETERING ON THE BRINK OF A BIG MOVE Investors – don’t overlook the great opportunities available with stock

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Is the US Following Ancient Athens?

Posted Mar 7, 2023 by Martin Armstrong COMMENT: Marty, Zelinsky has tried to portray himself as a military leader, cloaked in the symbolism of a military strongman. Gaddafi, Hussein, Stalin, and even Hitler come to mind. All were seen as ardent nationalists. Zelinsky did this to attract enormous weapons and capital to this country, ensuring that his face becomes the symbol of the military leader. In truth, Zelinsky is a figurehead whose survival depends on outside assistance. Ukraine continues to bleed out citizens, while its military gets eviscerated. Even with the weapons provided by the West, Ukraine’s military was never of

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