john mauldin

Connecting the Dots: Oil, Jobs, Consumer Confidence, and Humpty Dumpty

Connecting the Dots: Oil, Jobs, Consumer Confidence, and Humpty Dumpty By Tony Sagami   Politicians, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve Bank want you to think the economy is doing great thanks to the big improvements in the labor market. However, Janet Yellen, who testified before the Senate Banking Committee last week, admitted that the

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Thoughts from the Frontline: Debt Be Not Proud

By John Mauldin Some things never change. Here is Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, one of the founding intellectuals of the Austrian school of economics, writing in January 1914, lambasting politicians for their complicity in the corruption of monetary policy: We have seen innumerable variations of the vexing game of trying to generate political contentment through material

Thoughts from the Frontline: Debt Be Not Proud Read More »

Outside the Box: Hoisington Quarterly Review and Outlook: Fourth Quarter 2014

By John Mauldin Forecasting is a singularly difficult task and is more often than not fraught with failure. The Federal Reserve has some of the smartest economists in the world, and yet their forecasts are so wrong so often (as in, they almost never get it right) that some have pointed out that it’s almost

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