Bullet Proof Your Shares-Who Really Owns Your Shares?

The Warrant Report
January 15, 2012

Bullet Proof Your Shares

Who Really Owns Your Shares

Much has been written lately about the risk of your shares being held by your brokerage firm. In light of the current economic situation and risk in the global economy it is time for you to know the facts.

What if your brokerage firm goes under?

What happens to your shares?

If every broker collapsed tomorrow due to waves of bankruptcies,

these ownership methods will protect you 100%. You will be able

to sleep safe and sound at night, knowing your shares are carrying

zero counter party risk.”

…”But the question remains — How can we safely invest in gold and silver mining shares and avoid the collapse bought on by The Coming Broker Dealer Crisis?”

Jim Sinclair and many others are recommending this approach as well.

We encourage you to visit this link and listen to David Morgan, Silver-Investor, Tekoa Da Silva, BullMarketThinking, Jeff Berwick, TheDollarVigilante, Steve Saville, TheSpeculativeInvestor and others express their views on this very important subject.

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Dudley Pierce Baker – Owner/Editor – Guadalajara/Ajijic, Mexico
Bruce Ross – Webmaster and Administrative Assistant – Phoenix, USA

Jeff Baker – Assistant Editor and Administrative Assistant, El Paso, USA

About The Author

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