
Future Gold, Silver & Stock Prices – Part III

April 12, 2020 Chris Vermeulen TheTechnicalTraders.com “…Precious metals are about to enter a phase that has never been experienced in recent history.  What happens to safe-havens throughout the process of a global market credit/debt crisis event?  What happens to metals as the global economy attempts to wash-away excessive debt, derivatives and shadow banking risks that have built up over the past 40+ years?…” Note from Dudley – These Guys Are Good: Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders

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Underowned and Underloved

Source: Michael Ballanger for Streetwise Reports 04/13/2020 Sector expert Michael Ballanger offers his take on how investment tactics have changed over time, as well as on recent market moves. Back in the Dark Ages, before cellular phones and the Internet, I was studying to complete the Ontario Securities course one afternoon when I came across the part discussing “asset allocation” and “portfolio construction.” This section covered the recommended mix of bonds and stocks, and everything revolved around the word “risk.” When the customer was in early adulthood, they advised being overweight stocks and underweight bonds, and as the customer matured

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Junior Miner Explores New Copper-Silver System in Peru

Source: Maurice Jackson for Streetwise Reports 04/13/2020 The opportunities surrounding a potential district-scale prospect are outlined by Hannan Metals CEO Michael Hudson in conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable. Maurice Jackson: Today we will introduce an early-stage exploration company focused on identifying district-scale high-grade copper and silver systems in Peru. Joining us for our conversation is Michael Hudson, the CEO of Hannan Metals Ltd. (HAN:TSX.V; HANNF:OTCPK). We’re glad to speak with you today to discuss the value proposition before us. Before we delve into company specifics, Mr. Hudson, please acquaint us with Hannan Metals, and share the opportunity

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