Background and History of Warrants

Delivering warrant education to expand

Background and History of Warrants

Warrants have literally been available for investors for many decades but yet are very under appreciated and overlooked by most investors.

Dudley’s extensive knowledge of warrants goes back to the 1970’s and his fascination with the writings of Sidney Fried and The R.H.M. Warrant Survey, a hard copy newsletter and a popular financial newsletter during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Sidney Fried passed away in 1991 at the age of 72 and to the best of our knowledge, his service stopped in the late 1970s or early 1980s around the time that options began to trade on the CBOE. Sidney Fried’s first book, ‘The Speculative Merits of Common Stock Warrants’ (1949) is a rare and timeless educational tool for warrants and is the core of knowledge used by Dudley in this service.

Since 2005 Dudley has used his cumulative knowledge of warrants which he the earned from the ‘master’ to educate and assist investors around the world and Dudley has collected all of the writings of Sidney Fried. Even though these works are old, the information is timeless and only the examples used are out of date.

In the very popular and highly recommended book, “The Coming Collapse Of The Dollar And How To Profit From It” by James Turk and John Rubino, they discuss options and LEAPS as a possible avenue for investing in the mining stocks.   They did not discuss our third possibility, warrants, which we feel is more “investor friendly”. Why?  Because of the all-important element of TIME.  How many times have your options expired worthless but yet within a few months or so your stock goes up; you just ran out of TIME.  (James Turk is now one of the many professionals who are subscribers to our service).

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1.  Getting Started

A. Overview

B. Basic definition of a warrant

C. Background and history of warrants

D. The Most Important Decision (the company)

E. Why investors should consider warrants – leverage

F. Are you an ‘Investor’ or a ‘Speculator’

G. Portfolio Allocation for warrants

H. Other professionals talking about warrants
(Adam Hamilton – Frank Holmes – Martin Weiss)

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