Could Gold Bottom In The Next 3 Days?

November 22, 2015
Dudley Pierce Baker

Perhaps many resource investors are no longer interested, flat out broke or frankly, just don’t give a shit?
A true contrarian sign.

On Friday as the markets were closing I received an email update from another widely followed newsletter writer who has been correctly, extremely negative on the entire commodity sector for a few years.

In his update, he states that his cycle work indicates that gold will bottom on November 24-25.

WOW, that is this coming Tuesday and Wednesday and precedes the Thanksgiving Holiday in the United States.

This is a major turnaround as he has previously been looking for a target of $1,000 or below.

That $1,000 target or lower, in my opinion, could still be in play in the next 3 days as the charts look terrible and we may well breakdown in a major plunge before rebounding.

Why have I continued following this analsyst and his bearish views?

Because, he has always believed that once the bottom is in place that gold will soar over the next few years to over $5,000 and silver to over $100 an ounce.

Our message here is that if we plunge in the next few days, this could well be the final bottom. However, remember, that this is only one other analysts’ opinion but I do see the possibility of this forecast being correct.

Savvy investors should be looking for resource investments at this time and I welcome you to join me at, not only for our unique stock warrants database but also for a “Look Over My Shoulder”, included in my gold subscription, where you can see my actual portfolio.

Let’s see what the gold charts look like as of Friday’s close, November 20th.

On the daily chart below, you can see that gold is either on the cusp of forming a bottom or plunging into a final low.


I along with all resource investors eagerly await the final bottom in the resource sector being behind us so we can once again look forward to the potential gains of 500% to 1000% or more which we have experienced in the past.

Dudley Pierce Baker 



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