July 2015

World's Increasing Appetite Points to Upside for Ag Input Companies: Paradigm's Spencer Churchill

The Energy Report: Do you rely on the stock-to-use ratio to predict grain prices and, if so, what is it telling you right now? Spencer Churchill: Yes, we do. Stock-to-use is a good way of assessing the degree of tightness in any crop market and hence how much underlying support there could be for prices.

World's Increasing Appetite Points to Upside for Ag Input Companies: Paradigm's Spencer Churchill Read More »

Experts' Guide to Getting the Most Out of Company Presentations

Trust, But Verify: Jayant Bhandari, a fund adviser, recently published a guide called “High Risk, High Reward: Disciplined Junior Mining Investing” that suggests comparing company presentations to the annual reports usually available on the company website or at sedar.com. “It is not illegal for companies to fail to provide you full information in these presentations,”

Experts' Guide to Getting the Most Out of Company Presentations Read More »

Experts' Guide to Getting the Most Out of Company Presentations

Trust, But Verify: Jayant Bhandari, a fund adviser, recently published a guide called “High Risk, High Reward: Disciplined Junior Mining Investing” that suggests comparing company presentations to the annual reports usually available on the company website or at sedar.com. “It is not illegal for companies to fail to provide you full information in these presentations,”

Experts' Guide to Getting the Most Out of Company Presentations Read More »

Six Miners Dundee’s Joseph Fazzini Believes Will Weather the Storm

The Gold Report: Many of the people we interview have a theory about why gold is performing poorly this summer despite so much global uncertainty, especially in China and Greece. What’s your theory? Joseph Fazzini: Gold typically plays numerous roles, including being a hedge against inflation, devaluation and economic turmoil, but it’s still a commodity.

Six Miners Dundee’s Joseph Fazzini Believes Will Weather the Storm Read More »

Luisa Moreno Explains Why Metallurgy Is So Important in Critical Metals Projects

The Gold Report: With development capital still at a premium, are companies with critical metals projects getting financed? What typically gets financed and what doesn’t? Luisa Moreno: The financing environment for the mining space is still difficult, and that is no different for the critical metals equities. Nowadays, the mining and related processing projects that

Luisa Moreno Explains Why Metallurgy Is So Important in Critical Metals Projects Read More »

Winning the Hunger Games: Tom Wallace on How to Choose Successful Agriculture Investments

The Energy Report: Is investing in agriculture like investing in any other commodity, or do investors new to the space need to get familiar with special considerations? Tom Wallace: Agricultural investment is composed of a multitude of subsectors, so when it comes to making an investment decision, investors need to focus their efforts. Agricultural investment

Winning the Hunger Games: Tom Wallace on How to Choose Successful Agriculture Investments Read More »

Stefan Ioannou’s Ways to Ride the Next Zinc and Nickel Waves

The Gold Report: In late June, zinc and nickel prices on the London Metals Exchange (LME) dipped on concerns surrounding the economic fallout from Greece exiting the Eurozone. What’s your view? Stefan Ioannou: When the referendum was first announced in late June there was a big reaction. There is no doubt the issue is a

Stefan Ioannou’s Ways to Ride the Next Zinc and Nickel Waves Read More »

Baby Steps: Mackie’s Bill Newman Finds Oil & Gas Plays that Produce No Matter What

The Energy Report: With the collapse of the crude oil price and the timing of a recovery difficult to predict, the energy sector has fallen out of favor with investors. In the current oil and gas investment climate, are there any stocks that are immune to the negative sentiment and can still perform? Bill Newman:

Baby Steps: Mackie’s Bill Newman Finds Oil & Gas Plays that Produce No Matter What Read More »

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