March 2016

Towels Thrown In, White Flags raised? Not Yet, but Close…

In the wake of what Michael Ballanger calls a “non-decision by the U.S. central banksters,” the precious metals expert remains cautious and watchful. In this article, Ballanger offers his take on what the recent Fed decision on interest rates means for investors and the markets, and the circumstances that might force him to toss in

Towels Thrown In, White Flags raised? Not Yet, but Close… Read More »

'Et tu, Brute?': It Took a Month for the Commercials to Pull the Trigger…

When precious metals expert Michael Ballanger looks at the current state of the precious metals markets, he is reminded of that scene from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar when the wounded emperor looks up into his friend Brutus’ eyes and utters the immortal words, “Et tu, Brute?” Caesar says these words as a large scabbard gets plunged

'Et tu, Brute?': It Took a Month for the Commercials to Pull the Trigger… Read More »

Near-Term Gold Forecast: The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Indecision. . .

Man-oh-man, the heat I am taking over my recent “Caution” stance on the near-term outlook for gold and silver is now verging on the theatre of the absurd, says precious metals expert Michael Ballanger. Email, tweets, voicemail messages and every other form of indirect confrontation have been used to convince me that my reluctance to

Near-Term Gold Forecast: The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Indecision. . . Read More »

Hedge Fund Chief Warren Irwin's Blockbuster Uranium Call and His Best Metal and Oil Plays

The event-driven hedge fund Rosseau LP has beat its benchmark by over 50% since inception in 1998, and its founder and CIO Warren Irwin says it does so by going deep, looking at very specific events or situations that are special within industry sectors. Irwin made his name by shorting Bre-X some 20 years ago

Hedge Fund Chief Warren Irwin's Blockbuster Uranium Call and His Best Metal and Oil Plays Read More »

VSA Capital's Paul Renken: Gold and Lithium Companies that Are Sizzling Hot

There wasn’t much sizzle in the gold equities space in recent years, but that has recently changed. Paul Renken, chief geologist and analyst with London-based VSA Capital, says the recent uptick in the gold price—which he says should stay near current levels for a while—will boost the margins of already profitable gold producers. Renken is

VSA Capital's Paul Renken: Gold and Lithium Companies that Are Sizzling Hot Read More »

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