Adrian Day: Covid And Its Aftermath


Adrian Day: Covid And Its Aftermath


I want to share with you one of the best summations I’ve seen on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on today’s society and markets…

…And more importantly, what it means for tomorrow.

Dear Investors,

After a few decades in the “hard money” investment business, I’m very fortunate to have accumulated a lot of very smart friends.

One of the smartest and most eloquent of these is Adrian Day, Chairman and CEO of Adrian Day Asset Management.

To be sure, I read a lot about the markets…basically everything I can get my hands on. And because of my many friends in the industry, I get my hands on some great commentaries, including in private correspondence.

I have to say that Adrian’s recent quarterly review, which he published exclusively for his clients, was one of the clearest and most insightful analyses I’ve seen on the impact of the Covid pandemic, both today and looking forward.

His introduction gives you a great idea of what’s to come in his full review:

“Two points need emphasizing. Even before the virus made its appearance, there were some troubling signs, with debt in many areas at extreme levels, the Federal Reserve extremely easy again, and equities grossly overbought. That this was true a quarter ago and the quarter before that makes it no less true.

“The virus — and the reaction to it — has done severe damage to the economy and markets. To paraphrase Peter Schiff, it’s the size of the bubble not the pin that’s important. This was a very sharp pin, but it was a huge bubble, a bubble searching for a pin.

“The second point is that the reaction to the virus — and I refer here largely to the economic and monetary response — will prove more lasting and more damaging than the virus itself. Mid this carnage, however, are once-in-a-generation opportunities for the patient, disciplined and astute investor.”

Adrian goes on to detail how the response to the virus will fundamentally change not only the economy and the markets, but also society.

I can’t recommend this in-depth review more highly. Too long to present in its entirety here, Adrian has allowed us to host a mildly edited version online.

To read it, simply click on the link below.

Once again, I think this is a very important analysis that deserves your time and attention.

All the best,

Brien Lundin
Editor, Gold Newsletter
CEO, the New Orleans Investment Conference

P.S. This report from Adrian, along with our recent issues featuring Rick Rule’s thoughts on gold and silver, are part of our renewed effort during this crisis to provide you with the very best market intelligence and analyses that we can find.

Stay tuned for more great commentaries to come!

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