Are Metals & Miners Starting A New Longer-Term Bullish Trend?

Almost in stealth mode, precious metals have begun to bottom and start a new upside price trend while the US stock market focused on the FOMC meeting a few weeks back and current economic data.  Gold, Silver, and many of the Miner ETFs recently started a moderately strong push higher – almost completely behind the scenes of the hype in the markets regarding IPOs and Bitcoin’s new recent highs.

All the Gold traders know that when Gold starts a new leg higher, it could mean inflation fears are being amplified in the global markets and/or fear is starting to creep back into the markets.  After the recent rally in the US major indexes and as we plow through Q1:2021 earnings, it makes sense that some fear and inflation concerns are starting to take precedence over other concerns.  Will the markets just continue to push higher and higher? Or are the market nearing some type of intermediate-term peak after rallying from November 2020? Only time will tell…

“Chris and his team are providing investors with a great road map for the direction of the markets, which is why I am also a paid subscriber to TheTechnicalTraders services and encourage you to consider a subscription as well, The ideal service to supplement your other subscriptions as well as my”-Note from Dudley


Stock Warrants – If Not Now, When? GET STARTED NOW

Trade Our ‘Basket’ Of SPAC Warrants For Monster Gains

Investors don’t forget the great opportunities available with stock warrants which will increase your potential gains and greatly decrease your investment cost by at least half.

E.B. Tucker with Casey Research recently referred to Dudley as ‘the top expert in the field with over 40 years of experience‘ with stock warrants.

“I also encourage you to check out the work from our friend Dudley Baker. Dudley is the founder and editor of Common Stock Warrants. He’s been trading warrants for 40 years and has developed an exclusive database of all stock warrants trading in the U.S. and Canada. We’re paid-up subscribers as well.”

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