Are You Invested In the Junior Mining Companies?

by: Dudley Pierce Baker

Believe it or not, this rally in gold and silver, copper, etc is for real and we look for the junior mining companies to have their day in the sun over the next few years. Today gold is closing over $1320 and silver over $17.50.

So, I must ask you a personal question.

Are you invested in the junior mining companies shares and/or long-term stock warrants?

I sure hope so, if not, I encourage you to get invested soon, very soon.

This rally is not going to wait on you and the longer you wait you will be coming in at higher prices.

We all know that the resource sector has basically been a bad place to be over the last 5 or 6 years with few exceptions. I have found many of those exceptions for my gold and Lifetime subscribers, and some of those have been 1,000% gains or more.

However, in my opinion, the next few years will produce many more 1,000% gains and I want you to be with me on this great journey.

Whether you decide to invest in the shares of the junior miners or stock warrants trading on those companies, I will leave that to your personal discretion. However, I encourage you to at least explore and investigate which companies have stock warrants trading. This is what I do for you at, I provide you with the list, a database of all stock warrants trading in Canada and the U.S. for all sectors, not just the resource companies.

I will doing my weekly audio update for my Gold and Lifetime subscribers later this afternoon and hope you join me to get my latest views or the markets along with some charts which are showing us the path forward.

At a minimum, I suggest you visit my website and signup for my FREE Email List and you will receive several bonuses, including my recent publication, The Stock Warrant Handbook, Your Personal Guide To Trading Stock Warrants.

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