Backwardation Article & Heading to Los Angeles

The Warrant Report
March 26, 2013

Backwardation Article & Heading to Los Angeles

In this issue
1. Heading to Los Angeles for the Weekend
2. What is the Significance of Backwardation in a Down Market?

Heading to Los Angeles and the Studios of The Ellis Martin Report
I am currently in El Paso, Texas visiting with my family but on Wednesday I head West to Phoenix for a few days and then on to Los Angeles for a visit with Ellis Martin of the Ellis Martin Report. We will hang out, talk lots of business and probably make a visit to Santa Monica and other cool spots.
Check out all of my recent up to date market comments with Ellis Martin.

What is the Significance of Backwardation in a Down Market

Interesting article by Gijsbert Groenewegen recently on 321Gold makes a great
argument for a big rally soon.

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By The Greedy Guru


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To wrap up, don’t be discouraged if you are down in your portfolios, you should realize by now that the resource sector is not for the weak hearted. You must have great patience and always on the hunt for new opportunities and right now your timing is better than ever.


Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder and Editor

Guadalajara-Ajijic, Mexico

About The Author

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