BOOM – Gold Breaks Above $1300

June 2, 2019
By Dudley Pierce Baker
Common Stock Warrants

On Friday May 31st, Gold screamed above $1300 to close out the month and maintain the gains through the day as we closed at $1305.

We will know more as the markets open Sunday evening and Monday morning as to whether these gains will hold, but for now Gold has put in a very impressive move to the upside.

Precious metals investors know that the fate of their shares and warrants lie with the price of gold and silver going forward. The last several years have been a disaster for these investors, but times may be changing.

Below I present some charts for your review which I have been sharing with my subscribers.

If I can assist you with some investments ideas, whether precious metals companies or stock warrants trading on those company, I would like you to consider joining me immediately.

Gold Daily

Gold Monthly

Silver Weekly

HUI (Gold Bugs Index) Monthly

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