BUCKLE UP: A Global Economic Boom Is About To Be Unleashed

March 6, 2021

Celente – BUCKLE UP: A Global Economic Boom Is About To Be Unleashed

Gerald Celente just warned King World News that investors need to buckle up because a global economic boom is about to be unleashed.

March 6 (King World News) – Eric King:  “Gerald, you say there is going to be a boom. They are getting ready to open up in Connecticut (and California). What are we looking at going forward?”

Gerald Celente:  “We’re going to have a big bounce, there’s no question about it. And it’s going to be global. The economy has been locked down for over a year and now it’s going to start booming. The central banks and governments around the world keep pumping money into the system, so the people are going to have money to spend. It’s going to be an artificial bounce but it’s going to be a big one…Gerald Celente discusses the imminent global boom as the world prepares to open economies, what surprises to expect, as well as what’s next for the gold market and you can listen to it by CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

To listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss the gold and silver takedown and what to expect next CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.

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