Buckle Up: Inflation at 58-Month High

The stage has been set for high levels of uncertainly, and with uncertainty comes opportunities in commodities, posits Lior Gantz, editor of Wealth Research Group, who also sees opportunities in disruptive technologies in the medical arena.

Your Investment Portfolio Must Be Supercharged by March—mine is.

This has been the most important week of 2017.

The trends that are now in motion will set the tone for the entire year, and there are critical statistics to align with.

Back in 2012, when Obama was in office, inflation rates were at 2.5%, precious metals stocks were extremely overvalued, gold was priced at $1,800 per ounce, and Europe and China were slowing down.

Today, after a five-year downtrend, gold has begun moving higher since 2016.

Four consecutive down years in a sector has only occurred 1% of the time since the 1920s, and five down years has almost never occurred.

Uranium and coal are also up substantially after five and six years of downtrends.

Going back to the 1920s, here’s the data Wealth Research Group found on fortunes earned for investors on down year trends:

Today presents a rare opportunity in commodities.

What is truly a fundamentally essential key to understand is that today’s investing environment is unique. On one end, inflation is rising in the U.S. while interest rates are rising, which means that lending is going to pick up steam. This is all while the new president, who is pro-business, is creating uncertainty in foreign relations.

This is a genuinely useful chart, as it points out loud and clear all the fundamental reasons for which gold and silver prices will continue higher.

Uncertainty, coupled with the rising inflation that keeps real rates negative, is the ultimate environment for gold—Fed tightening periods have been wealth-generating moments in the past and are going to …read more

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