Canadian Energy Firm Installs Additional Systems in the United Kingdom

Source: Streetwise Reports 01/24/2019

The company continues work to increase efficiency and reduce costs for a local energy supplier.

Smartcool Systems Inc. (SSC:TSX.V; SSCFF:OTC; R3W:FSE) announced in a news release it completed another three installations of efficient energy solutions in the United Kingdom for SSE, an electricity and natural gas provider there.

“We have been working in partnership with SSE for some time to drive down energy costs within their own estate, while further sites have been evaluated in readiness for installations of our energy savings solution,” Nick Weedon, national sales agent for Smartcool, said in the release.

Independent readings show SSE reduced energy consumption by about 73,000 kilowatt hours at its southern data center. Resulting gases also decreased. Carbon dioxide levels dropped about 32,000 kilograms (32,000 kg), sulphur dioxide fell 656 kg and nitrogen oxide went down 124 kg.

The two companies also are collaborating to make the Smartcool technology available to SSE’s customers.

Read what other experts are saying about:

  • Smartcool Systems Inc.

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( Companies Mentioned: SSC:TSX.V; SSCFF:OTC; R3W:FSE,

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