The Energy Report

U.S. Global’s Brian Hicks Shares His Summer Plans for Creating the Ultimate Resource Fund

The Energy Report: Summer means driving season, which is good news for oil and gas prices. U.S. Global Investors recently published an article that says Americans are driving and flying more than ever. Will energy investors who “sell in May and go away” kick themselves later, when they look at the stock charts for their […]

U.S. Global’s Brian Hicks Shares His Summer Plans for Creating the Ultimate Resource Fund Read More »

Now Is the Time to Own the Oil & Gas Leaders: Keith Schaefer

The Energy Report: Keith, the first U.S. grassroots refinery in nearly 40 years just began operation in North Dakota. Is the growth in U.S. oil production going to catalyze refinery construction? Keith Schaefer: I’m going to say no. U.S. production has peaked and we’re doing just fine, so I don’t see any great need for

Now Is the Time to Own the Oil & Gas Leaders: Keith Schaefer Read More »

Four Canadian Juniors Poised to Gain in the Oil and Gas Recovery: Angelos Damaskos

The Energy Report: The prices of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent have recently rebounded to about $60 per barrel ($60/bbl) and $65/bbl, respectively. Where do you see them going for the rest of the year? Angelos Damaskos: The oil industry expects oil to recover to $75/bbl in the near term because this is the

Four Canadian Juniors Poised to Gain in the Oil and Gas Recovery: Angelos Damaskos Read More »

Investment in Renewables Generates Illuminating Dividends: John McIlveen

The Energy Report: John, how has the renewable space changed in the last five years? John McIlveen: Cost. The cost of standardized technologies for wind and solar have fallen by at least a half in five years, to just below $2 million per rated megawatt ($2M/rated MW), versus the same cost for a coal plant.

Investment in Renewables Generates Illuminating Dividends: John McIlveen Read More »

Three Upstream MLPs with the Discipline to Succeed in the Coming Recovery: RBC Analyst John Ragozzino

The Energy Report: John, oil and gas prices have rallied a bit recently. Have we established a bottom? John Ragozzino: Yes. In our recently published Global Energy Research “Commodity Price Revisions” report, we are calling for a meaningful V-shaped recovery beginning in the back half of 2015 and into 2016. This is not significantly different

Three Upstream MLPs with the Discipline to Succeed in the Coming Recovery: RBC Analyst John Ragozzino Read More »

Ryan Castilloux’s State of the REE Market Address

The Mining Report: This year we’ve seen a modest rally for specific rare earth elements (REEs), namely terbium, dysprosium, praseodymium and neodymium. Has this bolstered the near-term outlook for rare earth exploration and development projects outside of China? Ryan Castilloux: It has. The recently announced supply agreement between Molycorp Inc. (MCP:NYSE) and Siemens AG (SI:NYSE)

Ryan Castilloux’s State of the REE Market Address Read More »

The Three Principles that Guide Randall Abramson’s Oil & Gas Investment Strategy

The Energy Report: In a recent research report, you looked at the macroeconomic picture through the lens of value investing. You call the macro view “complex” and “historically unusual.” In the context of certain uncertainty, could you please provide us with three principles that guide your investment decisions in today’s market? Randall Abramson: The reality

The Three Principles that Guide Randall Abramson’s Oil & Gas Investment Strategy Read More »

How to Make Money in Renewable Energy: NBF’s Rupert Merer

The Mining Report: Where is the renewable energy space headed in terms of profitability? Rupert Merer: Most renewable power companies have long-term production contracts that provide a relatively low-risk return on invested capital. This is a capital-intensive industry with a lot of invested debt and equity capital. There is excellent visibility on cash flow and

How to Make Money in Renewable Energy: NBF’s Rupert Merer Read More »

The Message from the Australian Front Is Uranium Is Looking More Attractive: Patersons’ Simon Tonkin

The Energy Report: Surprisingly, Simon, you are predicting a shortfall in the international uranium supply over the next couple of years. Where does Japan fit in from your vantage point in Australia? Simon Tonkin: With the Japanese reactors idle, people are concerned about what will happen to its idled reactor fuel stockpile. Not to worry:

The Message from the Australian Front Is Uranium Is Looking More Attractive: Patersons’ Simon Tonkin Read More »

Joe Reagor: Four Uranium Companies Poised to Profit from the Growth of Nuclear Power

The Mining Report: The 27th annual ROTH conference was held in California last month. What’s the purpose of this conference? Joe Reagor: We provide management access to our client base and provide exposure for the smaller-cap companies that are somewhat under-covered by the Street. TMR: How would you sum up the sentiments of the participants?

Joe Reagor: Four Uranium Companies Poised to Profit from the Growth of Nuclear Power Read More »

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