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Connecting the Dots: Oil, Jobs, Consumer Confidence, and Humpty Dumpty

Connecting the Dots: Oil, Jobs, Consumer Confidence, and Humpty Dumpty By Tony Sagami   Politicians, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve Bank want you to think the economy is doing great thanks to the big improvements in the labor market. However, Janet Yellen, who testified before the Senate Banking Committee last week, admitted that the

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The Chinese have put out billboard ads announcing the renminbi as the new world currency

by Simon Black on March 4, 2015 March 4, 2015 Bangkok, Thailand When I arrived to Bangkok the other day, coming down the motorway from the airport I saw a huge billboard—and it floored me. The billboard was from the Bank of China. It said: “RMB: New Choice; The World Currency” Given that the Bank of China is

The Chinese have put out billboard ads announcing the renminbi as the new world currency Read More »

Tesla: Bonfire of the Money Printers’ Vanities

Tesla: Bonfire of the Money Printers’ Vanities By David Stockman, Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget David Stockman needs no introduction, but I’ll give him one anyway. He’s a former US Congressman who, upon assuming responsibility as Ronald Reagan’s budget director in 1981, became the youngest presidential cabinet member of the 20th

Tesla: Bonfire of the Money Printers’ Vanities Read More »

Could Apple Buy a Third of the World’s Gold?

February 27, 2015 By Frank Holmes CEO and Chief Investment Officer U.S. Global Investors Is there anything Apple can’t do? First it revolutionized the personal computing business. Then, with the launch of the iPod in 2001, it forced the music industry to change its tune. Against initial market reservations, the company succeeded at making Star Trek-like

Could Apple Buy a Third of the World’s Gold? Read More »

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