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Jordan Roy-Byrne Believes 2015 Will See the Renewal of Gold’s Secular Bull Market

Source: Kevin Michael Grace of The Gold Report  (12/1/14)   Past performance does not guarantee future performance, as they say, but Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT, editor and publisher of The Daily Gold Premium, is persuaded that the bottom in gold is no more than a couple of months away. And after that, look out. In this interview with The Gold Report, Roy-Byrne

Jordan Roy-Byrne Believes 2015 Will See the Renewal of Gold’s Secular Bull Market Read More »

The “Golden Touch” Of The Aden Sisters And David Morgan – David H Smith NOVEMBER 26, 2014   Published on Nov 26, 2014 Receive a 30 Day trial to The Morgan Report (TMR) Go to –…  Consultation–… _____________________________________________________________________________________ Advertisement: Join us at for the only listing and details on all stock warrants trading in the United States and Canada. All industries and sectors are represented and many

The “Golden Touch” Of The Aden Sisters And David Morgan – David H Smith Read More »

Connecting the Dots: Stock Manipulation 101: Using Stock Buybacks to Mask Deep Business Problems

By Tony Sagami Stock buybacks are always a good thing… right? That’s what the mass media has trained investors to believe, but there are times when stock buybacks are a horrible strategy.Let’s take a look at Herbalife, which has had very visible news items as billionaires like Carl Icahn, George Soros, Daniel Loeb, and Bill

Connecting the Dots: Stock Manipulation 101: Using Stock Buybacks to Mask Deep Business Problems Read More »

Sell, Sell, Sell…….The Central Bank Madmen Are Raging

Posted Monday, 24 November By: David Stockman Yet overnight two central banks promised what amounts to more monetary heroin and, presto, the S&P 500 index jerked up to 2070. That is, the robo-traders inflated the PE multiple for S&P’s basket of US-based global companies to a nose bleed 20X their reported LTM earnings. And those earnings surely embody a high water mark in a

Sell, Sell, Sell…….The Central Bank Madmen Are Raging Read More »

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