Civil War 2.0 – Bob (MUST READ)

Bob Moriarty
Jul 15, 2024

I’ve done a number of interviews lately because there are a lot of people talking about things they have no understanding of. Such as war and geopolitics.

If you remember back to the Gulf War reporting, the people on the boob tube were breathlessly commenting on “Daisy Cutters” as if they were some sort of giant bombs. While it is so that the Air Force used giant 10,000-pound bombs to clear landing zones, the term “Daisy Cutter” didn’t refer to the bomb but to the 36-inch-long fuse that detonated the bomb before it reached the earth.

As an F-4B pilot and later an O-1C and O-1G Birddog Forward Air Controller I dropped and controlled hundreds of 500-pound Mark-82 bombs and 750-pound Mark-83 bombs which used the Daisy Cutter fuses to clear landing zones. Daisy Cutter is the fuse, not the bomb.

And every time I hear some talking head mumbling about how Russia is the aggressor in the Ukraine war, I get an urge to gag. Have they all forgotten the $5 billion spent by Victoria Nuland to bring Democracy to Ukraine in 2014 by ridding them of their duly elected President in favor of a thug installed by the Neocons? How about the immortal phrase spoken by Nuland when organizing which thug would the US put into power?

Fuck the EU. I hope that is deeply engraved on her tombstone one day because it perfectly shows the US interest in Democracy.

The MSM has failed to even mention the 14,000 dead from the Ukrainians shelling mostly women and children from 2014 to 2022 in Donbas. And none of them mention the 100,000 NATO trained and armed Ukrainian soldiers poised on the border with Donbas ready to invade. It was scheduled for March 10th 2022.

I think Civil War 2.0 began in a meaningless Trump speech in some Podunk town in Pennsylvania on July 13. The dust has yet to settle but this begins to smell like a long dead fish floating on the top of a swamp.

In what appears to be a credible interview of someone attending the Trump rally we are told that numerous watchers saw a young man carrying a rifle go on top of a building a mere 135 meters or so from where former President Trump was speaking. The watchers attempted to notify the Secret Service and police of the dangerous event of a gunman within easy rifle range of Trump but were ignored.

The shooter managed to aim his rifle and fire a number of rounds towards Trump. From the sound of the rifle to me it appears the sniper was firing a .22 caliber rifle probably with .22 Long Rifle rounds. If you make a head shot, the person hit is going down, likely on a permanent basis. I carried a .22 caliber Colt Woodsman pistol in Vietnam as a survival weapon. I could hit someone at 50 meters in the head and kill them. So, someone basically familiar with a .22 rifle at 135 meters is pretty much point-blank range.

Through a total fluke the shooter missed and only nicked Trump’s ear lobe. An inch or two away from a fatal wound. Clearly there was a giant failure on the part of the Secret Service. Much has been made of the numerous viewers who tried and seemingly failed to garner the attention of either local police or the Secret Service.

There is a very famous picture of two counter snipers on another rooftop about 130 meters or so from the assassin’s position. You may wonder why they didn’t see and take down the shooter.

According to someone calling himself Jonathan Willis, he is one of the two counter snipers on the roof to protect Trump. They had to have seen the assassin but took no action.

Jonathan Willis or someone posting as him says they were forbidden by the head of the Secret Service to shoot until the sniper fired. Willis claims he had the sniper in his sights for at least three minutes and his superiors refused to clear him to shoot.

If you listen to any of the many videos of the attempted assassination you can hear the gunman fire a number of rounds from what would probably be a semi-automatic .22 rifle. A mere second or two after he fired you can hear multiple rounds being fired almost certainly from the counter snipers. Many of the reports call the counter snipers members of the Secret Service but I don’t think they were. I think they were local police snipers. Their uniforms were marked Police and what Jonathan Willis wrote in his entry on X he sounds like a policeman.

Certainly, if the Secret Service refused to allow their own snipers to shoot an assassin and the shooter managed to wound Trump the agent would be told to keep his mouth shut. If Jonathan Willis was in fact one of the counter snipers and was police rather than Secret Service, he wasn’t about to allow the world to think the failure to shoot was his fault.

The timing of the various shots being fired suggests he tells the truth. If the counter snipers didn’t know where the shots were coming from, it would take them a few seconds to determine where the threat originated. They couldn’t have acquired the shooter and manage to kill him a couple of seconds after he fired at Trump and did manage to kill someone attending the rally.

If the top agent of the Secret Service at this rally refused to allow the counter snipers to do their jobs, this was a coup. A deliberate coup on the part of the Secret Service to kill Trump.

We will know on July 15th if it was deliberate or a simple but well-meaning mistake. If the Secret Service agent in charge is fired today it could have been a stupid mistake. If the agent is not fired, it means there is a coverup in progress.

I’ve done ten to fifteen interviews in the last month or so. When asked I made it clear that it is my belief that Biden will not be the Democrat candidate for the Presidential election in November. Lots of viewers didn’t agree with me but clearly there is no chance Biden will be the Democrat choice. He can’t complete a rational sentence. He confuses Zelensky with Putin and believes Trump is his black appointment as Vice President. Biden and the Democrats are destroying what remains of the American attempt at Empire.

And I have made it clear in a number of interviews that Donald Trump terrifies the Democrats to the point that there have been a lot of suggestions that the best way to protect America is to assassinate Trump. They are logically afraid that if Trump is elected, he will do the same thing to them that they have done to him for at least eight years. A mere week ago Biden was calling for Trump to be put in the bullseye. On the 13th of July Biden’s wish came true.

Call it Civil War 2.0 or simply a coup d’état but the Deep State operatives have shown their true colors.

This next week is probably going to be one of the most critical weeks in US history. Millions of military age men have been allowed to enter the US illegally, given money, a cell phone, food and accommodations. Some of them have to be double agents brought in by someone or somebody to create panic and chaos at the right time.

It would be no problem for these young men to be given weapons, ammo and targets. All we need for Martial Law to be imposed would be to have a few dozen random attacks by illegals all across the country. Then the Democrats could do what Zelensky did in Ukraine. When his term expired, he simply ignored the law and stayed in office. Biden/Harris might well conclude that’s just a spiffy idea.

If we don’t have migrants running around shooting people another alternative is for the Deep State to start whacking political candidates for office on both sides. If it works in South America, Mexico and Serbia why can’t it work here? In Mexico alone thirty-seven candidates were killed in this latest election in June of 2024. No doubt we can surpass that number in the US with candidates being whacked by the Deep State on both sides.

I’m not a fan of Alex Jones. As far as I can tell he isn’t dealing with a full deck. But in a short video he put out on Saturday he suggests we have had a coup. He might well be right and if so, we will know shortly.

Call it the intro to Civil War 2.0

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