Doug Casey, Marc Faber, Dudley Pierce Baker and others…….

The Warrant Report
August 3, 2011

Doug Casey, Marc Faber, Dudley Pierce Baker
and others…….

In this issue:

  • Don’t Bet Against Gold
  • Dudley is in good company……
  • Two random examples of performance

Don’t Bet Against Gold

Finally after weeks of haggling in Washington, a ‘deal’ was reached. While the ‘deal’ might have given a short term bit of political relief the markets are not buying it.

On Tuesday the S&P plunged below major support and is now down for the year. In early trading today (Wednesday) the market down again for I believe the 9th straight day.

The big winner – GOLD. Surging to new highs gold closed on Tuesday at $1660 up about $40 for the day. This morning gold is up another $10 plus. So, gold is telling us, ‘this deal really sucks’.

Can gold continue to rise is anyone’s guess at this point.

Short-term is always a crap shoot

Long-term a guaranteed winner

Dudley is in good company

Recently Jeff Berwick at The Dollar Vigilante mentioned us along with some of the great names in the investment arena. Why? Because each of us mentioned lives outside of the United States which gives us a slightly different view of the world and better to serve of our followers, imo.

From July 15th issue of The Dollar Vigilante, to read the entire piece go to this link:

“…Recently I was surfing the internet and reading some of my favorite writers and thinkers when something dawned on me.  I read articles or interviews with the following people – all of whom I respect and enjoy their viewpoints – in approximately the following order:

  • Marc Faber, The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report
  • Doug Casey – Founder, Casey Research
  • Jim Rogers – American investor and author
  • Jim Willie – Hat Trick Letter
  • Dudley Baker –
  • Fred Reed – Author

Can you name something which they all have in common?

If you said that they are all top writers or speakers about free markets and/or precious metals you’d be correct. But that isn’t their only similarities.

They also all have expatriated from their country of origin. After having read seven articles in a row I realized that every person I was reading has already defected from the USSA or other similar western countries.

Jim Rogers lives in Singapore. Marc Faber lives in Thailand. Doug Casey lives in numerous countries but spends most of his time in Uruguay and Argentina nowadays. Jim Willie in Costa Rica and Dudley Baker and Fred Reed both live in Mexico, as do I….”

Two random examples of performance

Even though gold has been on a tear much of this year many of the juniors have continued to lag. We are still big believers that ‘our day will  come’ for the entire sector when even the dogs and cats catch fire. But not yet…..

Two recent great performers in our portfolio have been shares in Soltoro and Uracan Resources. Soltoro is a silver exploration company in Mexico and closed yesterday at the high for the year at C$1.49. (We are in around C$.30, not a bad return with more to come). Uracan Resources is a uranium exploration company. We were buyers a few weeks ago at C$08, and yesterday it closed at C$.12, pretty cool.

We are not saying to run out and buy these companies today, but if you are interested please click on the link to each company’s website above and perform your own due diligence.

For subscribers and those looking for a new service we have many great companies in our portfolio just waiting to breakout.

….” if we are all in the parade who is going to watch us walk by”

Think about this the next time you try and convince a friend or family member to invest in resource shares or warrants. Most just don’t get it, at least, not yet.

Our Gold Subscribers have unlimited access to our Warrant Database and also access to my personal portfolio and to our Insider Trading data with Buy and Sell recommendations. My personal portfolio now includes over 80 different positions.


Some of you that have not subscribed as yet may be questioning our pricing. You must remember that our services are very unique. Actually our Gold Subscribers have access to 3 different services, warrant database, “A Look Over My Shoulder”, my portfolio and our Insider Trading data. When you grasp all of the information which you have access to we believe you will be convinced that our services offer great value for your subscription dollars. As with any investment service, if you don’t use the service, it has zero value to you. Once you understand all that we offer we are confident you will be long term subscribers

….”Get yourself positioned to take advantage of this once in a lifetime ride.”

If you are not a current subscriber

For current subscribers we greatly appreciate your business and trust you are taking advantage of your subscription to our services.


Dudley Pierce Baker – Owner/Editor – Guadalajara/Ajijic, Mexico
Bruce Ross – Webmaster and Administrative Assistant – Phoenix, USA

Jeff Baker – Assistant Editor and Administrative Assistant, El Paso, USA

About The Author

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