Dudley Comments On The Market Collapse

By Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor

The last week to 10 days has been devasting for many investors and particularly those of us in the precious metals sector. Many would have believed that gold, silver and miners would have performed well but we have been subjected to massive selling and no one is happy, unless you have lots of cash.

Cash has been king and the selling of stocks, gold, silver, etc. has been a flight to safety and that has lead to the rise in the U.S. Dollar at the expense of virtually everything else with the exception of bonds.

I want to share with you my weekly audio which I send out to my paid subscribers on March 14, 2020. I share some personal stories as well as frank market comments and encourage you to listen and if not a current subsciber, consider a subscription to my services.

Dudley’s Weekly Audio – March 14, 2020

Other Great Articles For Your Reading:
Frank Holmes – Should You Buy The Panic?
Sprott Money – Global Monetary And Fiscal Authorities Are About To Open The Floodgates Of Liquidity
Peter Schiff – Fed Stimulus Will Light ‘Fire Under Hard Assets’
Rick Rule – Sprott Media – Gold Stocks Are Stocks; In A Panic, All Stocks Sell Off

We will all get through this turmoil, so make sound decisions and not panic out of quality positions is my advice.


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