Four Reasons Investment Strategist Joe McAlinden Likes Hard Assets, Especially Gold

In September, former Morgan Stanley Investment Management Chief Global Strategist Joe McAlinden announced in an interview with The Gold Report that he had reversed his view on commodities. In this interview, he predicts that the gold price could double in the next two year and envisions even more upside for the mining equities.

The Gold Report: At the end of 2014 you described yourself as a reluctant bear on the U.S. stock market. Why?

Joe McAlinden: I said “reluctant” because I really don’t like being negative on U.S. equities. After all, stocks go up two years out of three, and so the odds are against betting on a big decline. Nevertheless, after five decades at this game, I have come to believe there are rare moments in market cycles when prudence dictates going against the crowd. And the conditions that I observed at the time had me very concerned about the sustainability of this rally without a big correction. For a while that position seemed out of touch as stock prices surged to all-time highs during the first five months of 2015, but the S&P 500’s 12% correction from its peak in May now suggests otherwise. Based on extended valuations, lagging small caps and a more hawkish path toward the normalization of interest rates, the really big decline I have been looking for is, in my view, still lurking dead ahead.

TGR: If your prediction is true, how can investors protect themselves and their portfolios?

JM: There are always some things that go down in a rising market or up in a falling market. . .or at least go up or down by less. Value stocks, for example, have performed very poorly relative to growth stocks for eight years, but we believe this is in the process of reversing. More recently, there are …read more

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