By Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor
Gold and silver have now established strong uptrends and if you are looking to add to your current positions or establish new positions, I would suggest you buy the pullbacks.
With the current strength in these markets the pullbacks may be small and quick, so keep your hand on the trigger.
Of course, as our subscribers know, we prefer to play the resource sector with a basket (for me a big basket) of mining shares and/or stock warrants trading on those shares.
I continue to believe that the markets will provide us with many 10 baggers, 1,000% +++ over the next year or so, but buying at these still low prices is essential. Don’t be chasing these shares/warrants substantially higher.
Take your positions now and enjoy the ride.
If you would like our assistance, join us at
In our databases, we have all of the warrants trading on the resource companies and if you subscribe to my Gold or Lifetime service, you will get access to my portfolio and what I am buying or selling. A very small price to pay for gaining access to what will, IMO, will be a multi-million dollar portfolio within the coming 24 months.
I have just uploaded my current audio which showcases, current charts as well as several of my personal holdings. One of my positions is a copper and gold company trading at C$0.09 which previously traded as high as C$4.00. This company has a joint venture with one of the largest mining companies and I love this story.
Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor