Gold Standard Ventures' Monster Hole

Precious metals expert Bob Moriarty discusses Gold Standard Ventures’ latest drill results and explains why he has been a fan for a while.

On August 9, 2016, Gold Standard Ventures Corp. (GSV:TSX.V; GSV:NYSE) released yet another barn burning drill hole at their North Dark Star deposit in Nevada in the Carlin Trend. They have done it so many times it’s starting to get boring. This was 126.2 meters of 3.95 g/t gold. At today’s price for gold, that’s $170 rock. Near surface and oxide. Just the way majors like things.

Last year I wrote about them in May when they were $0.66 a share. I said,

“Gold Standard’s plans for this year include a 6,000-meter RC drill program at Pinion and Dark Star. That and an increase in the price of gold should be enough to start the share price going higher.”

I wrote about them again in November when I said,

“GSV is doing everything they promised. They picked up the Dark Star deposit for $.50 an ounce. Drilling is adding ounces, minable ounces for about $1 an ounce. And they get no respect. This is what you can expect at a major, major bottom. The best companies in the industry come up with mouth watering holes and the stock barely lifts a finger in response.

Gold may go lower; tons of people are predicting it. But I suspect that those cherry picking the beaten up juniors at present are going to see their investments go a lot higher when gold catches a bid.”

Last year it didn’t make any difference what they did or what I said. Often when I wrote a piece all it accomplished was to provide a liquidity event where all the weak hands could dump their shares. The stock was …read more

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