Junior Minors Ready To Push Higher

It was a good week for Gold and Silver as they closed at $2580 and $30.72. The gold indices, GDX, GDXJ, HUI, and others, all exploded higher. All while the USD hovers just above 100 and appearing ready to breakdown and giving more support to the Gold rally.

For my Gold Subscribers who have access to my portfolio (Dudley’s Portfolio), I have made additional comments on positions and now have referenced my cost basis on shares and warrants.

I and most other newsletter writers in the PM and junior mining sector are extremely bullish longer term and I, personally believe the current market environment is giving you a gift. Shares are still on sale – stock warrants are on sale – presenting a great opportunity for aggressive contrarian investors.

Gold and silver are holding strong and more upside is expected in the short term but many mining shares continue to lag. Our day will come so do not worry, focus on accumulating more undervalued shares and/or stock warrants on your favorite companies. If you are one of my Gold Subscribers you have access to my portfolio and see exactly what I own and how I am positioning myself for monster gains. Think 500%, 1,000%, 2,500%, 5,000% gains, that’s the game I am playing. JOIN ME NOW, if you are not a current subscriber.


Closing In On a Major Financial Reset

Junior Mining Stocks are About to Run like a School of Fish

Bob Moriarty: Gold Miner Undervaluations Are About To Change

Equities vs Gold – What Do The Charts Say?

Mining Stocks are Hated Right Now and I’m Taking Advantage: Rick Rule

Major Revaluation of Gold Shares Coming

Rick Rule on Private Placements: No Warrant = No Deal

250 Million Ounces Silver Shortage – Eric Sprott

Insider Trading: Knowledge Is Power – Two YouTube Videos

How I Began My Journey With Stock Warrants And … Uncovered A Hidden Investment Opportunity

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