Month End Blitz With Chris Vermeulen

Dudley Baker and Rick Rule
Chris Vermeulen








By Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor
Common Stock Warrants
Junior Mining News

Investors, we are living in uncharted waters with the covid-19 and the unknow effects on our investments.

We need all of the assistance we can get, particularly now, to assist us and to continue to look for the opportunities which always appear at times like this.

I invite you to explore two investment services which will greatly benefit your portfolio:

Common Stock Warrants – This is my service which offers you access to a database of all stock warrants trading in the U.S. and Canada. We have been in business since 2005 and have many subscribers around the world. Stock warrants will offer investors additional upside leverage as these markets get back on track – CHECK US OUT TODAY!

The Technical Traders – Chris Vermeulen and his team are doing a great job of assisting investors navigate the markets from a technical perspective. Many of my subscribers are also subscribers to Chris’ services as am I and I believe that you too would benefit from their knowledge especially at this time in the markets. – CHECK CHRIS OUT TODAY!

Below are some recent articles appearing on both our websites which will be of great interest to you:

2020 is turning out to be a pivitol year – let’s not waste this opportunity.

Stay Safe,


About The Author

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