News Flash | TSX Venture versus CNSX

By Dudley Pierce Baker

cswlogoI am in San Francisco for the Metals & Mining Conference on November 25 and 26.

In my first conversations with mining executives before the conference, I am hearing some interesting news.

The high listing fees and regulations at the Toronto Venture Exchange seems to be driving companies to consider moving their listing to the Canadian National Stock Exchange, CNSX.  CNSX Markets began operations in 2003 to provide a modern and efficient alternative for companies looking to access the Canadian public capital markets. Recognized as a stock exchange in 2004, CNSX Markets operates the Canadian National Stock Exchange and Pure Trading.

Rumor is that the first of the year there will be a big movement and push to promote the CNSX.

In my opinion, as long as investors have a venue to buy and sell the Canadian shares and if that venue, the CNSX, has lower fees and requirements, why not?

One company in which I own shares trades on the CNSX and I know other CEO’s that are considering a move.

There are currently 201 companies listed on the CNSX and the list will be growing soon.

We will stay on top of this developing story and hope to have more information to share with you soon.

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