Political and Economic Views and Several Interviews

The Warrant Report
November 25, 2012

Political and Economic Views and Several Interviews

In this issue:

  • Gold blasted off on Friday – Game On!
  • Kitco News Video Interview with Daniela
  • Al Korelin Video Interview in S. F.
  • Dudley’s Political and Economic Views Over Dinner in S.F.

Gold blasted off on Friday

We are of the opinion that the strong rise (up over $22) in gold on Friday now places gold in a strong position to continue on to the $1800 level very soon and then to take out the old highs after the beginning of the new year.

The coming year, 2013 is destined to be our year for gold and silver and yes, even for those resource shares.

The Fiscal Cliff situation and the solution(s) thereto are a joke. The U.S. has already fallen off the cliff and any short-term solution is only a Band-Aid to kick the can down the road. Let’s face it; the U.S. is already at the end of this road. We see major problems on the horizon with the worldwide debt crisis heading to the U.S. soon which may well be the spark that sends gold, silver and shares substantially higher.

Our current view is that Jan/Feb 2014 will provide us with a significant high which all of us investors must be preparing for and have an exit strategy for our positions. Whether this projected target date will be the ultimate high, we cannot say with certainty, but it will be significant enough to take some serious money off of the table.

Kitco News Video Interview (Daniela and Dudley)
While in San Francisco for the Hard Assets Conference we had the pleasure to visit with Daniela Cambone with Kitco News about the current markets and our opinions. Check out the video here.

Al Korelin Video Interview in San Francisco
Al and his wife Cathy and I got reacquainted in San Francisco at the recent Hard Assets Conference and we filmed this great video thanks to the skilled team at KorelinReports. Click Here.

Dudley’s Political and Economic Views

While in San Francisco, I was invited by Al Korelin to a dinner attended by Ron Paul’s Chief of Staff and about 20 other like-minded individuals. Al caught my words on tape, so give it a listen here.

Junior Mining News:
We encourage you to follow us as well on our new News Feed at
http://www.JuniorMiningNews.com. We are still working on our design but we are providing some great content, so give us a visit soon.

Finding the best opportunities for you is our business and if you are not a current subscriber we welcome you to join us now.

Lots more good stuff coming soon……


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We are personally striving for monster gains of 500%, 1,000% or more. This is frequently called a 10 Bagger and this is our goal. Sure, not every position will work out, but on balance, with some good money management and decisions as to what to buy, great gains can and we believe, will be achieved.



We would also remind you of Dudley’s involvement and spokesman for The Greedy Guru. This service has a totally different approach and focusing on “The Top Picks of the Pros”

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Something to Remember:
  If you like a resource company and they have long-term warrants trading you owe it to yourself to explore this potential opportunity. Not all warrants will meet your test of length of time until expiry or the potential leverage thereon, but this is where we have done the work for you in our comprehensive warrant database. Not familiar with warrants, visit our Learning Center. A few warrants now have expiration dates out to 2017, five years, wow!!

If you are not a current subscriber SIGN UP NOW

Sample of Current Open Positions
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Closed Out Insider Trades – Average Gains of 85%

“Get yourself positioned to take advantage of this once in a lifetime ride.”

For current subscribers we greatly appreciate your business and trust you are taking advantage of your subscription to our services.


Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder and Editor

Guadalajara-Ajijic, Mexico

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