Precious Metals Monthly Projections

Chris sits down with Craig Hemke of Sprott Money to talk about their Precious Metals forecast, latest moves, and this year’s projections.

From a long standpoint, the dollar index has covered a huge range. From a shorter-term view, the dollar has put in what looks to be a double bottom, rounding formation, and a series of bull flags. When there is fear in the market we tend to see the US Dollar rally as a cash safe haven. This week, we are starting to see some good traction with the US Dollar.

Gold serves as a global safe haven – it’s driven by countries that believe in physical metal. Though it can sometimes trend along the same lines as the US dollar, this is not always the case. Ideally, we want to see Gold break through the pivot point of $1800. The question remains, when will it finally break up to the upside?

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