Redstar Gold Corp. has locked down a district-scale, high-grade gold property off the coast of Alaska. In an interview with The Gold Report, Redstar CEO Ken Booth reveals the secrets of the Unga Project: high-grade gold in the ground, everywhere. Redstar has a focused plan to keep drilling the mineralized property; Booth is looking to add weight to the company’s sparkling roster of stockholders and institutional partners.
The Gold Report: Why should investors buy stock in junior gold explorers in today’s price environment?
Ken Booth: For many years, gold has been buffeted by price cycles. Make no mistake: gold is here to stay and there is always a need for gold explorers. Prudent investors are not waiting for the next rebound. They are looking to invest in experienced explorers with proven success and solid stakes in good properties. Those qualities define Redstar Gold Corp. (RGC:TSX.V). We concentrate on finding the highest grades of gold in North America—and we know where to look.
TGR: Why is high-grade gold attractive at this time?
KB: Grade is always important. The higher the grade, the better the mining economics. Grade is king because it can handle lower gold prices. By way of analogy, in the energy industry low-cost oil production is king. Low costs can survive any market. In the gold industry, high grades can weather any storm. And that’s why the gold majors will pay top dollar for high-grade deposits.
Redstar’s Unga Project in Alaska and our Newman Todd Project in Ontario both have the potential to be extremely high-grade deposits. Unga is our key project. It is located at the end of the Aleutian Peninsula in the Shumagin Island chain. The Alaskan government and our local partners are quite friendly toward exploration and the logistics are splendid.
TGR: Is the local infrastructure sufficient to support large-scale …read more