Stock Warrants & Interactive Brokers – An Update



April 2, 2016
Dudley Pierce Baker


Interactive Brokers and Stock Warrants
We are updating our previous reporting in October 2015

Some investors are challenged to find a brokerage firm to execute their stock warrant trades so allow me to provide some education on the subject.

Canadian Investors:
As a Canadian investor you will have no problem in executing your trades for stock warrants trading on the Canadian resource companies through your Canadian brokerage account.

United States Investors and other Countries
Our previous brokerage firm suspended their operations in September 2015 and while they may return under another name soon with a similar platform to purchase the Canadian shares and stock warrants, there is no assurance this will happen and we must move forward. Accordingly we were forced to seek out another broker.

For United States investors if maybe slightly more difficult depending on your personal brokerage firm to purchase the Canadian stock warrants. The facts are that many of the stock warrants trading in the PM sector are on Canadian companies. Those Canadian stock warrants have not and will not be registered in the United States, but U.S.investors can buy and sell them, but not exercise them (which we never recommend anyway). 

In many cases, a U.S. market maker will establish a market for specific Canadian warrants and will assign a U.S. trading symbol (5 alpha characters ending in F) to facilitate trading in the U.S. We provide this symbol in our warrant databases, if available. For those Canadian stock warrants trading without a U.S. symbol this may create another issue for U.S. investors.

If your current U.S. brokerage firm will allow you to place an order using the Canadian symbol for the stock warrants that is the preferred method. Unfortunately, there are few U.S. brokerage firms now furnishing this platform to investors.

Currently, my preferred broker, is Interactive Brokers (IB), especially for U.S. investors looking to purchase the stock warrants trading on Canadian companies. IB allows clients to trade in virtually all markets, worldwide, from stocks, ibfutures and options, etc.

It is an easy signup process and if you are only going to trade the Canadian stock warrants or Canadian securities, I would suggest setting your Currency to Canadian in the IB (Interactive Brokers) system.

You can easily download their Trader WorkStation platform at which time you will see your account and have access to all of the Canadian stock warrants which are trading. Only recently did I discover that the stock warrants are under this Trader WorkStation and not under the normal IB trading. Life just got easier.

Folks, this is easy so don’t get frustrated. I realize that most investors, including myself, hate to open new accounts and have more paperwork, but, the benefits to be gained by having a brokerage firm which will allow you to easily buy and sell the Canadian stock warrants will actually simplify your life.

Interactive Brokers (IB) allows customers trade stock warrants, stocks, futures and options all in one account.

Canadian or U.S. stocks or stock warrants, no problem.

We did our own due diligence to find a new brokerage firm, as should you, but we also like the fact that our friends at Casey Research also ranks IB at the top of the list of Online Brokerage Firms. You can read the Casey Special Report here.

Making trading decisions is difficult enough without having to worry about whether your broker will execute a trade.

Stop the worry and check out Interactive Brokers.

Now that investors can feel confident in getting the stock warrant trades executed at very reasonable commissions and for U.S. as well as Canadian stock warrants, it is time for you to join us at and have access to our one of a kind database which includes all of the details and specifics on all of the stock warrants trading in the United States and Canada and for all industries and sectors, resources, bio-tech’s, pharmaceuticals, restaurants, financials, etc.

Join Us Now,

Dudley Pierce Baker


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