Subscriber Alert: Gold & Silver Miners Should Be Bought NOW!

By Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor

It seems the stars are aligning for the PM sector and we could well be on the verge of the next big move up in gold and silver, and of course, the miners will follow with even more spectacular gains.

I have been encouraging my subscribers to be in position. Don’t be left behind when these markets move higher. Buy now!

Another analyst with similar views is Chris Vermeulen of The Technical Traders.

I frequently share Chris’s writings and interviews with you, but you should really be listening, now!

Chris over the weekend had an interesting article with charts on gold and silver:


In my interview with Chris two weeks ago, he was looking for the possibility of gold retracing to $1820 and silver to $22. Seems those views are now in the rearview mirror. The consolidation has or is ending soon and it is time to look forward to substantially higher prices.


             Dudley’s Interview With Chris Vermeulen – The Technical Traders

Discovering the best investment opportunities is not an easy task and I am here to assist you with your decisions. Subscribers to my services at realize that they can have access to my entire portfolio, which includes the shares of numerous miners as well as my stock warrant positions. 

My personal goal is to make money and lots of it in this bull market. If a company I like has stock warrants trading and the terms look good, I will buy the warrants. But it is always the company first, you must like the company and the prospects for higher prices. Many of my positions are in the shares of the junior miners and they are on the verge of exploding higher, soon!

I welcome investors to join me on this journey, but you need to get started NOW!

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