Casey Research

Your Video Recording of Casey’s GOING VERTICAL Is Ready

Click here to watch GOING VERTICAL  (( Dear Reader, Franco-Nevada co-founder and chairman Pierre Lassonde has been buying mining stocks for his own portfolio again since last October: “[The] gold stocks—just like in 2001—are at absolute rock bottom. In fifteen years, they have not been so low. So I think there’s a historical opportunity, a […]

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How to Get Struck by Lightning

How to Get Struck by Lightning By Louis James, Chief Metals & Mining Investment Strategist Two M&A deals have already delivered paydays for investors in junior mining stocks this year: Goldcorp’s half-billion-dollar purchase of Probe Mines in Canada, and Tahoe Resources’ billion-dollar acquisition of Rio Alto Mining, a Peruvian gold producer. Now the arrival of

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Connecting the Dots: Oil, Jobs, Consumer Confidence, and Humpty Dumpty

Connecting the Dots: Oil, Jobs, Consumer Confidence, and Humpty Dumpty By Tony Sagami   Politicians, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve Bank want you to think the economy is doing great thanks to the big improvements in the labor market. However, Janet Yellen, who testified before the Senate Banking Committee last week, admitted that the

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Tesla: Bonfire of the Money Printers’ Vanities

Tesla: Bonfire of the Money Printers’ Vanities By David Stockman, Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget David Stockman needs no introduction, but I’ll give him one anyway. He’s a former US Congressman who, upon assuming responsibility as Ronald Reagan’s budget director in 1981, became the youngest presidential cabinet member of the 20th

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