dudley baker

Connecting the Dots: The Stock Market Hot Potato: Volatility, the VIX, and You!

Connecting the Dots: The Stock Market Hot Potato: Volatility, the VIX, and You! By Tony Sagami   “When did Noah build the Ark, Gladys? Before the rain, before the rain.” —Nathan Muir (Robert Redford), in Spygame If you’ve ever walked a dog, you know about the zigzag path that dogs take down a sidewalk. After

Connecting the Dots: The Stock Market Hot Potato: Volatility, the VIX, and You! Read More »

How Warren Buffett Wins From Bank of America’s Capital Plan

By Jordan Wathen March 19, 2015 Warren Buffett has a sizable stake in Bank of America (NYSE: BAC  ) , even if it’s hidden from plain view. Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A  ) (NYSE: BRK-B  ) owns warrants that entitle it to purchase 700 million Bank of America shares for $7.14 each at any time before 2021. At the current price, it’s as if Berkshire has an

How Warren Buffett Wins From Bank of America’s Capital Plan Read More »

Why Aren’t These Investors Worried About The Gold Price?

  Why Aren’t These Investors Worried About The Gold Price? By Jeff Clark, Senior Precious Metals Analyst Have you noticed that some gold investors don’t seem very concerned about the current behavior of gold? While the price remains weak and range-bound, some gold investors don’t seem worried about it at all. The natural reaction to

Why Aren’t These Investors Worried About The Gold Price? Read More »

How Healthier Food Boosts Margins for Ag Companies and Investors: AltaCorp’s John Chu

The Energy Report: How have the collapses in the prices of oil and natural gas affected the fertilizer sector? John Chu: Natural gas is an important feedstock for nitrogen-based fertilizers—up to 50% of the production cost. This means higher margins. Fuel and lubrication-related costs account for 10–12% of farmers’ operating expenses. Lower fuel prices result

How Healthier Food Boosts Margins for Ag Companies and Investors: AltaCorp’s John Chu Read More »

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