
Your Video Recording of Casey’s GOING VERTICAL Is Ready

Click here to watch GOING VERTICAL  (( Dear Reader, Franco-Nevada co-founder and chairman Pierre Lassonde has been buying mining stocks for his own portfolio again since last October: “[The] gold stocks—just like in 2001—are at absolute rock bottom. In fifteen years, they have not been so low. So I think there’s a historical opportunity, a

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How to Get Struck by Lightning

How to Get Struck by Lightning By Louis James, Chief Metals & Mining Investment Strategist Two M&A deals have already delivered paydays for investors in junior mining stocks this year: Goldcorp’s half-billion-dollar purchase of Probe Mines in Canada, and Tahoe Resources’ billion-dollar acquisition of Rio Alto Mining, a Peruvian gold producer. Now the arrival of

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Thoughts from the Frontline: Debt Be Not Proud

By John Mauldin Some things never change. Here is Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, one of the founding intellectuals of the Austrian school of economics, writing in January 1914, lambasting politicians for their complicity in the corruption of monetary policy: We have seen innumerable variations of the vexing game of trying to generate political contentment through material

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Video: John Kaiser proposes a new system for financing junior miners

POSTED ON FEBRUARY 19, 2015 BY TOMMY HUMPHREYSCATEGORY FEATURED INTERVIEW, JOHN KAISER, MINERAL EXPLORATION In the good old days of Howe Street, venture stock-brokers would act as an intermediary between junior mining companies and investors. This is a somewhat murky ethical practice of the brokers having two masters, both the companies they were helping to get off the ground,

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