The Best Is Yet To Come: BUT NOT NOW

The Warrant Report
September 24, 2012

The Best Is Yet To Come: BUT NOT NOW

“Currently it is a lonely path for the resource investor but soon many will follow”

The resource markets have been on fire lately and we are excited about where this will lead us in the coming months.

But Not Now!!

Even though on Friday, our #1 position (a silver company) and #2 position (a gold company) hit highs for multiple years, we must remain cautious.

Why you ask?

The markets are bucking serious overhead resistance as we show you in the gold charts and the silver chart below.

It is so easy to get carried away with the excitement of the day but let’s stay rational and if you have some cash reserves hold off deploying it at least for a few weeks. We will try and let you know as best we can the opportune time.

Our dates for the next projected peak have never changed for a few years now as we continue to look for as early as July 2013 out to our preferred target of Jan/Feb 2014.

I have preached patience many times to our followers. Patience as the markets were previously consolidating and searching for a bottom. Now we must use patience again as the markets approach serious overhead resistance so as not to chase higher prices.

Sure, this is easier said than done, but we want our subscribers and followers to be positioned with the lowest reasonable entry prices possible.

Those investors entering the markets later on will have no choice but to pay higher and higher prices as the markets zoom ahead. But those of you reading now do have a choice.

Our advice would be to hold your positions and look for buying opportunities over the next few weeks. If you have some large gains there is no reason why you should not take some profits by selling or scaling back your positions.

Now let’s look at those charts:

As you can clearly see, gold and gold in euros are bumping up against strong overhead resistance which will probably take some time to breach. Silver, while strong also needs to take a break. Gold could easily drop back to the 65 week moving average currently at $1671.

With rare exceptions, we believe it will prove wise to watch for a while from the sidelines and wait for some short term consolidations.


We trust you are following us at either,

  Preferably both services

As each has its own different approach to the markets and picking the winners. If not us, I hope you are following someone and are on board or will soon be getting on board this moving train.

“This train is not going to wait for you; you are going to have to jump on.”




We are personally striving for monster gains of 500%, 1,000% or more. This is frequently called a 10 Bagger and this is our goal. Sure, not every position will work out, but on balance, with some good money management and decisions as to what to buy, great gains can and we believe, will be achieved.



We would also remind you of Dudley’s involvement and spokesman for The Greedy Guru. This service has a totally different approach and focusing on

 “The Top Picks of the Pros

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Something to Remember:

If you like a resource company and they have long-term warrants trading you owe it to yourself to explore this potential opportunity. Not all warrants will meet your test of length of time until expiry or the potential leverage thereon, but this is where we have done the work for you in our comprehensive warrant database. Not familiar with warrants, visit our Learning Center. A few warrants now have expiration dates out to 2017, five years, wow!!

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….”Get yourself positioned to take advantage of this once in a lifetime ride.”

For current subscribers we greatly appreciate your business and trust you are taking advantage of your subscription to our services.



Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder and Editor

Guadalajara-Ajijic, Mexico

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