The Risk Of Doing Nothing Is Stupid

January 21, 2018
Dudley Pierce Baker

Hello Investors,

As we write, many of our friends and business associates are in Vancouver, Canada for the Cambridge House Investment Conference. Our schedule did not permit attending but we are there in spirit and many of the companies in which I own either the common shares or stock warrants in the resource sector are in attendance.

Many believe the resource bull market is alive and well, as do I, and great gains are being anticipated over the next 24 to 36 months.

Doing nothing just doesn’t make since or dollar $$$$ sense to us.

Like any bull market most investors will wait and wait and wait until they get excited and start to invest. Of course this means that you pay substantially higher prices for those shares and/or stock warrants.

Why would you want to wait any longer????

It is time to pull back on that slingshot and let it rip….

You must be fully engaged NOW to capture your share of the gains.

A solid break above the mid $1400’s will be our key and unlock the door to head up to $1800.

For me, there is only one way to play this ‘game’ by investing in quality junior mining companies and/or long-term stock warrants trading on those companies.

If you are not familiar with stock warrants, you can receive The Stock Warrant Handbook for FREE by visiting, along with more freebies.

As well, many investors are finding great opportunities with warrants on the U.S. stocks in other sectors, bio-techs, pharmaceuticals, banking, blank check companies, etc.

Remember that only 25% or so of my personal portfolio is in stock warrants, the balance are common shares in the junior mining companies and I am always on the hunt for new additions to my portfolio.

There are many interesting opportunities in stocks as well as the stock warrants available today, so if you are not a current  subscriber, LET’S GET YOU STARTED NOW.

The next several years, 2018 – 2020 will see some exciting times in the PM sector and I am looking to make a fortune. Do you want to follow me?

Let’s have some fun and make money together.

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From the shores of Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico

Dudley Pierce Baker

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