Bob Moriarty of 321Gold calls out the work of two men who got it right on gold and silver.
We do our very best to present all possible reasonable alternatives in the resource space. I don’t have to agree with someone to post a piece by them. No one gets it 100%, and I’m wrong on a regular basis like most people.
This piece may be the most valuable piece we have ever written so you need to read it all the way to the finish.
2016 is proving to be the opportunity of a lifetime to invest in all commodities. While the manipulation and flat earth crowd doesn’t ever mention it, platinum went down more than gold and no one is screeching about how platinum is suppressed. All commodities went down including gold and silver. Most commodities went down more than silver and gold but that is never mentioned.
Actually, early this year gold was higher in relative terms against oil, platinum and commodities in general than ever in history. But that doesn’t fit the manipulation mantra so none of the PermaBulls will ever mention that, any more than they will discuss perfectly normal corrections.
We had a major bottom. In everything. Gold and silver hit their lowest prices in December. Commodities hit rock bottom in January. The XAU (Philadelphia Gold and Silver Index) and HUI (NYSE.Arca Gold BUGS Index) bottomed about the 19th of January. Oil sunk to $26 on the 11th of February.
Two guys got it exactly right on gold and silver. One, Adam Hamilton, we post every Friday so our readers got a free ride on some valuable advice back in December. I like him a lot because he was one of only about five guys who correctly called a top in silver in 2011. In a piece posted …read more