Weekend Reading and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

By Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor

Hello Investors,

I recall a St. Patrick’s Day back in the early 1990’s and was on business in New York City for a couple of weeks.

I just happened to be there for the big day, and what a day. I planted my self right in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral and watched the entire parade. Great memories and I hope you will have some to share today.

In my weekend updates to our warrant databases, I now count 7 Cannabis/Marijuana companies with stock warrants trading.

Also, this week saw the first warrants trading on a blockchain company.

Between the Canadian Database and the U.S. Database, we have around 250 exciting opportunities with stock warrants trading.

As to gold, it still drifts sideways, but let’s not rule out the possibility of a quick downside breakout before we head back up and take out this nasty upside resistance around $1380 to $1400.

This would be an ideal setup to buy as the markets would shake out those weak players/none believers.

For me, there is only one way to play this ‘game’ by investing in quality junior mining companies and/or long-term stock warrants trading on those companies.

If you are not familiar with stock warrants, you can receive The Stock Warrant Handbook for FREE by visiting, http://CommonStockWarrants.com along with more freebies.

As well, many investors are finding great opportunities with warrants on the U.S. stocks in other sectors, bio-techs, pharmaceuticals, banking, blank check companies, etc.

Remember that only 25% or so of my personal portfolio is in stock warrants, the balance are common shares in the junior mining companies and I am on the hunt for new additions to my portfolio.

There are many interesting opportunities in stocks as well as the stock warrants available today, so if you are not a current subscriber, LET’S GET YOU STARTED NOW.

The next several years, 2018 – 2020 will see some exciting times in the PM sector and I am looking to make a fortune. Do you want to follow me? Let’s have some fun and make money together.

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From the shores of Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico

Dudley Pierce Baker

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