Your Payday Is Coming

November 4, 2018
Dudley Pierce Baker

If you are an investor in the resource sector I believe we are currently well positioned to benefit with rising prices soon.

Your patience will be rewarded and your payday is coming.

While gold and silver continue to build a base it appears that the lows are in place and I believe it is time to look for interesting opportunities in the resource sector.

You can look no further than our first article/interview below with Ross Beaty. Ross has had an incredible career in the resource sector and his latest venture and perhaps his last is Equinox Gold. This is a must listen to interview.

Yes, Equinox Gold has warrants trading and all the details and my comments are available to my Gold Subscribers and Lifetime Subscribers.

For me, there is only one way to play this ‘game’ by investing in quality junior mining companies and/or long-term stock warrants trading on those companies.

If you are not familiar with stock warrants, you can receive The Stock Warrant Handbook for FREE by visiting, along with more freebies.

As well, many investors are finding great opportunities with warrants on the U.S. stocks in other sectors, bio-techs, pharmaceuticals, banking, blank check companies, etc.

Many of the large banks in the U.S. had stock warrants trading and they have been expiring over the last few weeks and will all be gone by the end of January 2019.

I welcome these investors to join us in the resource sector where there are many interesting opportunities.

Remember that only 25% or so of my personal portfolio is in stock warrants, the balance are common shares in the junior mining companies and I am on the hunt for new additions to my portfolio.

There are many interesting opportunities in stocks as well as the stock warrants available today, so if you are not a current subscriber, LET’S GET YOU STARTED NOW.

The next several years, 2018 – 2020 will see some exciting times in the PM sector and I am looking to make a fortune. Do you want to follow me? Let’s have some fun and make money together.

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From the shores of Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico

Dudley Pierce Baker

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