
Current news and articles

Thoughts from the Frontline: Debt Be Not Proud

By John Mauldin Some things never change. Here is Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, one of the founding intellectuals of the Austrian school of economics, writing in January 1914, lambasting politicians for their complicity in the corruption of monetary policy: We have seen innumerable variations of the vexing game of trying to generate political contentment through material

Thoughts from the Frontline: Debt Be Not Proud Read More »

Do you own Canadian Stock certificates from a Private Placement or for services?

February 23, 2015 Editor Note: Dudley Baker has used Penntrade as his brokerage firm for many years and highly recommendations them. Interesting article here which we are passing on to our readership. If you contact them, please tell them Dudley Baker send you. If you are a U.S. Resident who has ever participated in a

Do you own Canadian Stock certificates from a Private Placement or for services? Read More »

Doug Casey on ISIS, Gold, Oil, and What to Expect in 2015

By Louis James, Chief Metals & Mining Investment Strategist Today’s feature is a special treat: a peek into the brain of one of the most successful speculators of all time. In what follows, Doug Casey talks to Louis James about what to expect in 2015. Doug weighs in on today’s most important issues, including ISIS, oil, Putin, and the

Doug Casey on ISIS, Gold, Oil, and What to Expect in 2015 Read More »

Video: John Kaiser proposes a new system for financing junior miners

POSTED ON FEBRUARY 19, 2015 BY TOMMY HUMPHREYSCATEGORY FEATURED INTERVIEW, JOHN KAISER, MINERAL EXPLORATION In the good old days of Howe Street, venture stock-brokers would act as an intermediary between junior mining companies and investors. This is a somewhat murky ethical practice of the brokers having two masters, both the companies they were helping to get off the ground,

Video: John Kaiser proposes a new system for financing junior miners Read More »

Rick Rule: “We Haven’t Seen Capitulation In Natural Resources Yet”

Thursday, February 12, 2015 Tekoa Da Silva >>Interview with Rick Rule (MP3) During a period of polarizing precious metals and industrial commodity pricing, Rick Rule, Chairman of Sprott U.S. Holdings was kind enough to share a few comments—opining on global counterparty risk, resource capital markets, capitulation, and more. When I asked for his expectation of a final capitulation

Rick Rule: “We Haven’t Seen Capitulation In Natural Resources Yet” Read More »

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