Investment Opportunities with Stock Warrants

January 6, 2018
By: Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder – Editor
Common Stock Warrants

Finding investment opportunities is an on going process and keeping abreast of the news and new offerings is a time consuming process.

But that is what we do.

Sectors of significant interest to investors:

  • Marijuana and Cannabis
  • Resource companies – gold, silver, copper, royalty companies, etc.
  • Banks and Financial Institutions
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • And many, many more….

There are stock warrants trading on hundred’s of companies, some of which you may be familiar, but many that you have probably never heard of.

For example, have you heard of Canada Jetlines Ltd?

This is a new airlines in Canada that has literally taken off and the shares and stock warrants soared to highs last week.

The common shares which traded at a yearly low of C$0.17, hit a high of C$1.15 last week, a potential gain of 576%.
The stock warrants which traded at a yearly low of C$0.02, hit a high of C$0.60 last week, a potential gain of 2,900%.

The leverage factor is 5.03 to 1 which means the warrants outperformed the common shares by a factor of over 5 times.

Another example which I highlighted last week was Aurora Cannabis and the stock warrants.
Aurora Cannabis – How High Is High?

In this case the leverage factor was 4.31 to 1, meaning the warrants outperformed the common shares by a factor of 4.3 times and the warrants gained 1,608%.

My last example for you occurred in 2017 with Northern Dynasty and the Warrant B

Actually after I wrote this article on Dec 28, 2016, the shares and warrants continued to soar and I closed out most of my position around C$3.20 after having bought the warrants for C$0.165, a nice move of 1,900%.
Of course, I personally cannot buy every stock warrant which is in our large database. However, you may see and buy other stock warrants which are not on my personal radar screen.

My message for investors is simple.

Never overlook the potential opportunities using stock warrants.

If you are not a current subscriber to my services, let’s get you started now.


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