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Trump makes Canadian mine explorer with zero revenue great again

Trump makes Canadian mine explorer with zero revenue great again NATALIE OBIKO PEARSON Bloomberg News Published Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017 10:42AM EST Last updated Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017 6:45PM EST Note from Dudley Pierce Baker Editor of The company showcased in this article is Northern Dynasty. If you are interested in the story, you

Trump makes Canadian mine explorer with zero revenue great again Read More »

Gold: A Significant Rally Begins?

Gold: A Significant Rally Begins? Stewart Thomson email: email: email:   Dec 27, 2016 Gold may be in the first stage of a significant rally. Please click here now. Double-click to enlarge. Gold has burst out of the short term down channel, and the recent action of the “smart money” commercial traders

Gold: A Significant Rally Begins? Read More »

Northern Dynasty WTs – One Of My Top Picks In 2016 – Up 1000% Plus

December 28, 2016 By: Dudley Pierce Baker   2016 brought excitement back into the resource shares especially in the first 6 months of the year. Most recently gold, silver and shares have declined substantially but I was able to bank some great gains and hopefully my subscribers followed me into some of these situations.

Northern Dynasty WTs – One Of My Top Picks In 2016 – Up 1000% Plus Read More »

Doug Casey on the Coming Collapse of the World’s Biggest Economy

Doug Casey on the Coming Collapse of the World’s Biggest Economy By Nick Giambruno Nick Giambruno: The entire European Union is looking shakier by the day. Donald Trump’s victory—which shocked Europe’s political and media elite—gives Eurosceptic parties, the Continent’s populists, even more political rocket fuel. What’s your take? Doug Casey: The Social Democratic, Christian Democratic, Socialist,

Doug Casey on the Coming Collapse of the World’s Biggest Economy Read More »

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