Graphite: What iPhones, NASCAR and Tesla Have in Common

Focus Graphite CEO and Director Gary Economo says the tipping point is coming for natural flake mining developers—even during a depressed commodities cycle. This optimistic view is based on the urgent necessity of manufacturers today to source those critical materials and technologies needed to meet globally mandated CleanTech targets in advance of a 2020 deadline. Focus, says Economo, is on strategic trajectory to capitalize on global change with his company’s Lac Knife, Quebec, high-purity graphite deposit.

The Gold Report: Focus Graphite Inc. (FMS:TSX.V; FCSMF:OTCQX; FKC:FSE)was an early entrant into the graphite mining development space in 2010. It currently sits near the development stage and has ambitions to move into the highly profitable technology graphite space. What leads you to believe Focus can break out of the commodity doldrums?

Gary Economo: Focus has positioned itself perfectly as a future niche supplier of technology graphite. A high purity deposit affords us the advantages of being able to project very competitive operating costs with the potential to further mitigate our manufacturing costs for value-added, highly refined technology graphite.

From a management perspective, however, Focus remains the keystone to a global technology business platform with graphene applications developer Grafoid Inc., technology-focused Stria Lithium Inc. (SRA:TSX.V) and Braille Battery Inc.

This relationship platform is unique in the world and unique to the junior mining sector. It has enabled us to extend our marketing efforts into those sectors with the greatest potential for growth from demand during the next decade, including China.

“Focus Graphite has positioned itself perfectly as a future niche supplier of technology graphite.”

We anticipate continued growth in demand for electronic devices, novel polymer composites used by the automotive and construction material supply industries, and continued growth and expansion of the electric vehicle market. More, the emergence of graphene-based materials makes a compelling …read more

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