Gold and silver are holding strong and more upside is expected in the short term but many mining shares continue to lag. Our day will come so do not worry, focus on accumulating more undervalued shares and/or stock warrants on your favorite companies. If you are one of my Gold Subscribers you have instant access to my portfolio and see exactly what I own and how I am positioning myself for monster gains. Think 500%, 1,000%, 2,500%, 5,000% gains, that’s the game I am playing. JOIN ME NOW, if you are not a current subscriber. In my opinion, many of my subscribers will be millionaires before the next bull market ends in a few years. Don’t wait, be part of my inner circle and stay in touch with what I am doing and which companies I am following.
On a very personal note, my son, Jeff, and I were devastated to hear of the passing of my daughter, Brenda Roxanne Samaniego, age 50, on May 1 in El Paso, TX. As you can imagine my head has not been in the game for several weeks. Our databases have been maintained and are up to date and I am returning to our regular plan of staying in touch with subscribers and those of you who will soon be on board with us. Thanks for your patience at this challenging time.
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