“Opportunities Galore”

The Warrant Report
December 26, 2012

“Opportunities Galore”

osing out 2012 has proven to be a nasty event for resource investors. Many stocks are beaten down, near their lows and the overall market is greatly over sold with still some tax loss selling ahead.
However, these are the times when investments should be made and as they say, ‘you have to Buy Low and Sell High to make money‘. I know this, Rick Rule knows this, Pam Aden knows this, and you should know this.We are anticipating 2013 to be just the opposite, a banner year for the resource shares and encourage you to join us, if you are not already a subscriber, to one on both of our services.

Timing is critical, don’t delay as we see many of the shares recommended in our services jumping quickly as the year end selling pressure gives way and the buying begins.

By The Greedy Guru


“A Look Over My Shoulder”

This is your own search engine of the top picks of 25 newsletters and analysts

A company must have 3 or more
recommendations to make our list

We then add additional filters such as insider holdings before our final decision

Thousands of resource companies are now reduced down to around 20
Recommendations by The Greedy Guru are segregated by Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap Companies
An easy and simple method to follow the pros
Weekly audio by Dudley Pierce Baker
Weekly updates and charts for the Top Picks


You will see Dudley’s entire Portfolio Gold, silver, oil & gas, uranium, etc.

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See our insider trading recommendations

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The ONLY comprehensive warrants database in the business with our leverage calculations for each warrant. This popular service was founded by Dudley in 2005 as has many individual subscribers as well as professional investors and money managers

Free each week, The Warrant Report via email to all subscribers.
Founded by Dudley in March 2005

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You may have noticed we are still in the process of redesigning our company structure and will be advertising and doing interviews under the name www.JuniorMiningResources.com. We are doing this to be more reflective of our overall services as our mission is one of finding the best opportunities for investors in the resource sector. Give us a visit soon.

Junior Mining Resources
Junior Mining News
The Greedy Guru

To wrap up, don’t be discouraged if you are down in your portfolios, you should realize by now that the resource sector is not for the weak hearted. You must have great patience and always on the hunt for new opportunities and right now your timing is better than ever.


We trust you are following us at

Each service has its own different and specific approach to assist subscribers in picking the big winners.

“This train is not going to wait for you; you are going to have to jump on.”



We are personally striving for monster gains of 500%, 1,000% or more. This is frequently called a 10 Bagger and this is our goal. Sure, not every position will work out, but on balance, with some good money management and decisions as to what to buy, great gains can and we believe, will be achieved.



We would also remind you of Dudley’s involvement and spokesman for The Greedy Guru. This service has a totally different approach and focusing on “The Top Picks of the Pros”

Monthly and Annual Subscriptions are available
for $59.95 and $495.  Sign Up Now

Something to Remember:
  If you like a resource company and they have long-term warrants trading you owe it to yourself to explore this potential opportunity. Not all warrants will meet your test of length of time until expiry or the potential leverage thereon, but this is where we have done the work for you in our comprehensive warrant database. Not familiar with warrants, visit our Learning Center. A few warrants now have expiration dates out to 2017, five years, wow!!

If you are not a current subscriber SIGN UP NOW

Sample of Current Open Positions
Sample of Closed Positions
Closed Out Insider Trades – Average Gains of 85%

“Get yourself positioned to take advantage of this once in a lifetime ride.”

For current subscribers we greatly appreciate your business and trust you are taking advantage of your subscription to our services.



Dudley Pierce Baker
Founder and Editor

Guadalajara-Ajijic, Mexico

About The Author

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